The Amazing Eternals – A Bad Name for a Mediocre Game

The Amazing Eternals, formerly known as Keystone, is a game being developed by Digital Extremes, the people behind Warframe. They’ve recently entered a beta phase, and it turns out I got access to play their beta game. I also managed to snag the name Medic (rather than using Retvik), just in case it turns out that we’re annoying brats playing a game rather than hardcore warriors. The premise of the game is simple. You’re playing a board game, and each title is a battle. The layout and look is a somewhat cheesy 80’s board game/comic style. After each battle, you… [Continue Reading]

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Cyprus Comic Con 2017 – Thoughts

So, Cyprus Comic Con day one has passed and now we’re on day two. I’m writing this at 9am after a nice little breakfast at a hotel fifteen minutes away. Brother slept like a log, but me and sister couldn’t really sleep. Dunno why. Breakfast at the hotel was basic. Ham, cheese, eggs, bread, cereal. Mini buffet thing. The hotel is super quiet. It actually mostly has older people in it. I assume most non-locals booked places closer or just went home. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the fact that sister REALLY wanted to go to the after party, we… [Continue Reading]

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Volt, Mercy and Handsome Jack go to Cyprus Comic Con 2017

It’s Comic Con time! Yep, old Medic here is going out into the real world for a change, getting some sun on her face and potentially even socializing with other people. How silly is that? Well, not very because I did this last year, while dressed up as the Pyro. Oh and I did it back in 2015 as well, where I dressed up as a female version of Malzahar from League of Legends. Unlike most articles, I’ll be updating this one as I go along, so check back every so often and perhaps maybe I’ll have some cool news,… [Continue Reading]

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Competitive Overwatch: Going For Gold

If you were to check out the videos on my YouTube channel, the GIFs on my Gfycat account, or my screenshots in various Daily SPUF articles, you would notice that I’ve been stuck squarely in gold for the entirety of my competitive Overwatch career. On occasion I’m able to pull things together and drag myself into low platinum, especially back in Season 2 where Blizzard’s misbegotten bell curve strategy ensured that 70% of players were in plat, but it’s not long before I either settle back down or a new season starts and subtracts 500 SR for reasons I understand but intensely… [Continue Reading]

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On Gold Weapons

Humans love to customize things. We want to leave our mark on the items that mean the most to us, and as a warrior culture we especially love to own weapons that have unique, stylized decals. In the programmed world of video games, where one need not worry about firearm maintenance or practicality, the sky is the limit for how many ways we can customize our guns. So why do so many developers immediately go for golden guns? When available (and they seem to be available in almost every game with weapon skins), a golden reskin will almost always have… [Continue Reading]

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How to Git Gud at Lucioball

The Summer Games are here, and with them Blizzard has brought back the best seasonal game mode Overwatch has ever had: Lucioball! A hybrid of Rocket League and Jet Set Radio, Lucioball takes my favorite character in Overwatch and builds an entire sport around him, and I cannot possibly be having more fun. I managed to place into high Diamond in the new competitive Copa Lucioball, and here are some tips for bringing your game to the next level: 1. Set yourself up for the cross. This is the single most important tip in this guide. When the ball is on… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch’s Liao

Liao is one of the most enigmatic characters in the expanded Overwatch canon. He (or possibly she) has been there since almost the beginning, mentioned as early as May 2016 in an article that name-drops the six individuals hired by the United Nations to defend humanity during the impending Omnic Crisis. These six individuals – Soldier 76, Reaper, Torbjorn, Reinhardt, Ana, and Liao – later went on to found the entire Overwatch organization with its dedication to maintaining world peace. The thing is, beyond this single mention, there’s almost no mention of Liao in anything going forward. That’s a pretty… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch: Doomfist is Live!

Hello, this is aabicus with the SPUF of Legend! Doomfist finally went live today, the character everyone’s been waiting for. He’s not voiced by Terry Crews, as everyone seemed to be hoping, but thankfully the community seems okay with that because the voice actor they got just nails the character. Doomfist, as the name would suggest, is a melee-oriented Offense hero whose attacks all help him move throughout the battlefield while dealing close-range knockback+damage to foes. He’s a blast to play, but he’s got a really high skill ceiling, like Genji, just because of the reflexes and reaction times needed… [Continue Reading]

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The Amazon Prime/Twitch Prime Trial is really damn hard to get

Editor’s note: The Twitch Prime offer has been extended multiple times. Unfortunately the extra Frost Prime didn’t make it, he got sold to make room for Nidus. Turned out forma’ing the aura slot wasn’t as good as I expected it to be. There is currently a second offer, giving you a free Soma Prime and Scindo Prime. Also this article is somewhat out of date as Twitch and Amazon have streamlined the free trial process, it now works much better. Editor’s second note: This offer is no longer available. Sorry about that. But luckily there’s some free weapon codes floating… [Continue Reading]

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The Differences Between Watching Overwatch and Team Fortress 2 Competitive

I’ll be honest, I’m not great at games. But I do enjoy watching games being played skillfully. So does aabicus. And so do a lot of people, enough for people to buy into weird schemes and build multi-million dollar prize pools for video game competitions. While Dota 2 and League of Legends aren’t my cup of tea to watch, I’ll always enjoy a bit of pro TF2. Now, top tier Team Fortress 2 is pretty fun. It’s strategic and fast-paced. You know what’s also fun? Pro Overwatch. But there’s something about them that, I don’t know, feels off. Most of… [Continue Reading]

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