Practical Advantages You Can Gain With Taunts

Taunts are a silly yet fun addition to TF2 that have have grown more and more pernicious as time goes on. Nowadays they’re hard to avoid with very attention-drawing musical jingles, unusual effects, and contagious dances. But like everything other seemingly-pointless just-for-fun game mechanic, I’m here to nitpick the hell out of the entire concept, wringing out every possible competitive advantage. 1. Generic all-purpose third person. The first and most obvious, taunts give you an ability to look around corners and get a more broad screenshot of the map around you, with the only downside being the few seconds of… [Continue Reading]

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Coming Soon – A Week of Love and Hate 2

Well, we may have missed Valentines Day 2016, but you know what? We don’t need any commercial holidays. Love is eternal. It is everywhere. You can’t escape it. Oh also hate is eternal too. Aaaaanyway, do you remember that Valentines Day thing we did last year, a week of love and hate? I think it’s time to do another week! Last time round, we went over classes, writing about how much we loved or loathed the nine mercenaries of Team Fortress 2. This time though, I think it’s time that we expand. Or at least change the subject. Or something… [Continue Reading]

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Medic plays Dota 2

I’m not a big fan of MOBAs, but Dota 2 was the first one I ever played, before I played League of Legends. I didn’t understand anything. At all. I’m pretty certain I spent the entire tutorial having no clue what was going on, back when the tutorial consisted of Dragon Knight wandering round a very non-Dota-2-esque map, completing quests and spending a long time repeating tasks because I couldn’t get the concept of couriers and last-hits. Eventually, I gave up, unable to get my head around anything. League of Legends started on similar rocky territory, but their tutorial back… [Continue Reading]

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Little tiny changes!

Something magical has happened. As I was eating my awesome home-made vegetable soup the other day, I noticed something unusual. I suddenly had more power. I could change things I could not change before. Lots of magical, wonderful things. So I got to work and made a few… changes around here. First off, our wonderful sticky bomb favicon is back. Fuck yeah! Aaby missed the poor thing, and it’s technically our logo. Hence why it’s all over our social media pages. Then I went and made sure we had a proper mobile site. That’s currently not working very well, so… [Continue Reading]

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Why have we not fixed the Vita-Saw yet?

The Vita-Saw has gone unchanged for a very, very long time. Apart from bug fixes and being added in collector’s form, it has seen nothing what so ever in terms of anything interesting. It’s a boring, ugly, dull weapon. No one cares about it apart from Medics. You can speculate forever as to why Valve won’t change the Vita-Saw, but I feel it’s for two reasons. First, it’s a community weapon, which isn’t much of a reason, but Valve has a thing about accepting community changes, they’ve only recently been accepting them for hats only. Second, it’s very reminiscent of… [Continue Reading]

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CS:GO’s New Coop Game Mode

I know I said it’d be a while before I made a new CS:GO article, but I forgot to mention probably my favorite new addition from Operation Wildfire: co-op mode! Yes, CS:GO is getting some sort of game mode revolving around fighting NPC enemies with your friends, and a lot of the coming maps haven’t been seen yet since people with the Wildfire coin have to get far enough along to unlock them. At 2:18 in the video the videographer clearly winds up in the apartments from Left 4 Dead 2‘s Dead Center while Payday the Heist menu music plays in the… [Continue Reading]

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Grinding For Mediocrity

A new campaign for CS:GO was released the other day, and poor aabicus was suckered into it. After having to turn all his settings down to low or off in order to even play the damn game (a recurring bug that popped by Team Fortress 2 in the last Invasion update, remedied in the same way), aabicus spent a brief amount of time getting some fire damage and some pistol kills, he got rewarded with an old, crappy case and weapon that sold for 45 cents on the Steam Market. The day before that, my sister had a Dead Ringer… [Continue Reading]

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Off to a bad start

Normally I’d put something cheerful here. When the new year came along, I said that 2016 would be way better than 2015. 2015 was a shit year that has left me on the not particularly nice path that I’m currently on. It’s made me pretty depressed, and you can tell from the way I post and how I go off on one that I’m not the same person I was last year. Yes, I could be talking about some TF2 stuff, but I’m the editor of this blog, so I write what I want. 2016 was supposed to be better.… [Continue Reading]

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Heavy Sorrow

It was a quiet Sunday. The enemy had been bloodied and beaten over the past few days, having finally given up the ghost on Friday. With BLU gone, the dusty Egyptian lakeside ruins were incredibly quiet. Despite the dusty terrain, the air was incredibly cold and crisp. Still, it was pleasant enough to annoy other mercenaries. Scout quickly realised that he’d crossed the line as Heavy lunged at him. “I didn’t mean, it, man! Come on, it’s just a gag!” The Bostonian dodged and weaved around the giant, before ducking away to safety. Heavy gave up and went back to… [Continue Reading]

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An Opinionated Opinion on Official Matchmaking

I’ve been holding off on writing an actual article on official matchmaking for a while, not sure whether it’s been the right time or not. It turns out there’s never a good time, so here’s a heavily opinionated article on the matter. First off, whether I’d actually play matchmaking or not, I’ve always wanted ranked matchmaking in TF2. It’s that sort of thing that probably wouldn’t have fitted in early on, but as competitive leagues began to get bigger and bigger, Valve should have properly jumped on it and done something with it. All these years later and we’re only… [Continue Reading]

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