Loadout: We Have Nudes!

Today, while I was browsing the Daily SPUF thread as usual, I came across this: It intrigues me that nudity-related posts are the most read posts followed by Overwatch-related ones. Also, it provides me a clear method of selling out. Now, I could do a feature article about nude OW characters, but I’m pretty sure that will get the full icy wrath of Blizzard coming my way, so I guess not. Besides, that’ll make my Internet browsing history look very, very suspect (“I’m not entertaining myself, it’s for research! I swear!”). So this time round we’ll just do a nudity-related article. We’ll… [Continue Reading]

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Robocraft: Now in Beta

I’ve had a long relationship with Robocraft.  It’s been in early access alpha for years now, and the game has morphed and grown in so many ways.  Wayyy back in the day, the game was built in tiers kinda like World of Tanks, there was only about three movement types (wheels, hoverblades, and thrusters and helium for flying), and three types of weapons, SMG laser spam, arcing AOE blasts of plasma, and railgun snipers.  Your craft was piloted by a goofy little spaceman, whom you had to protect to survive.  The only game mode was a 10v10 last man standing… [Continue Reading]

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An Awesome Wolf of Silver

Friendships are a funny thing. Up until the second Week of Love and Hate here on the Daily SPUF, I had no real idea who SilverWolf, AKA KillerHunter on the SPUF boards themselves, really was. And honestly, I still owe him an article about whatever he wants and he still hasn’t told me, but I like to think that now, we’re pretty good friends. Or at least acquaintances. Or something. Enough for SilverWolf to surprise me by gifting me like half the games on my wishlist. Not that I have a particularly big wishlist mind you, it hasn’t reached 10… [Continue Reading]

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Medic’s First Time in Planetside 2

You ever get that feeling where you’re supposed to be doing something, like attacking the objective, but aren’t? Or are doing it in a way that totally isn’t helpful? Or are completely lost and supposed to be doing something? Well, that’s how I feel about Planetside 2. Before we start, I joined the purple guys. Their space suits looked cooler. And I have to agree with aabicus, their butts are nicer too. Of course, I decided to play the tutorial. Which kinda made sense, I think. Aabicus, the resident person who plays Planetside 2, decided to bring me along into… [Continue Reading]

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Roadhog Time

As a Lucio main who offclasses Soldier 76, I’m pretty immune to the whole Overwatch concept of “competitive checks and balances”. Both of my mains are stupidly adaptable with self-healing, self-defense, mobility, and easy-to-use firearms rounding out their generalist kits. No matter who I’m fighting on the other team, its rare for any opposing hero choices to really cause me much difficulty beyond forcing me to play passively and maybe preventing me from easily doing my job. And then there’s this mother♥♥♥♥er. Roadhog counters both of my mains so badly that he’s now my tertiary main, for no reason other… [Continue Reading]

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Being the Co-Op Player in Saints Row: the Third

Saints Row’s coop is a very, very weird thing. It seems both somewhat sane and completely insane. But mostly completely insane, not because there’s two people causing chaos instead of one, but because of how Saints Row: the Third’s coop works. I’m not sure if Saints Row 2’s coop is the same, but it’s just as weird in Saints Row 4. Since I just finished a bit of coop with aabicus though and it’s fresh in my memory, I’m going to stick to what I know. Let’s start off with an example. Both aabicus and I created a new game… [Continue Reading]

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Equestria is a Horrible Place

Like many of my articles, this one was inspired by a conversation I once had with aabicus. Now, we’ve mentioned this before, but aabicus has his fingers in many, many different pies, one of them being the MMO called Legends of Equestria, and we’ve even had an announcement for it here. Of course, being a My Little Pony thing, aabicus needs to get his head into all of that, create himself a pony for play-testing and have a decent understanding of its history and lore so he can write quests for it. For a franchise designed to sell toys to… [Continue Reading]

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The Pacifism Defect

So right now, the first ever Clan-based event is going on. Which is nowhere near as big a deal as it sounds. Events are somewhat common, you’ll see them from time to time, generally over weekends and the like, involving 3 missions that need to be completed to get a prize of some sort. Most of the time, it’s variations on a theme, like Darvo running away from debt collectors, or teasing new main-game content via events like Rathuum and the Index Preview. The Pacifism Defect isn’t much different. It features a new game mode, Evacuation (not to be confused… [Continue Reading]

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Planetside, too

In the interests of expanding our horizons, Medic and I are doing an exchange where we take turns picking a free-to-play multiplayer game that one of us hasn’t tried. Last week we played Warframe, which Medic wrote about, and this week we were gonna try my old college love, Planetside 2, but then the game didn’t work on Medic’s computer. (Update: It eventually fixed itself, and our co-op adventures will be chronicled in Medic’s upcoming article!) However, this did cause me to reinstall again, and soon I was teleported back to my 2013 dorm room–running through Auraxian landscapes, solo-capping control points and constantly reviving corpses. I don’t… [Continue Reading]

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One Last Look at the War Within

“Why the fuck would I want to do that?” Those were the fateful words of my brother as he helped me complete the War Within. Those words summed up everything I felt about this quest. That phrase was also repeated several times throughout the quest as well. The War Within is supposed to be about your Tenno space kid growing up and becoming more mature. Well, that’s the underlying plot. Really, the plot drags you kicking and screaming into that, due yo your space kid’s actions, when it should be looking at whatever the hell Teshin was doing, finding the… [Continue Reading]

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