On Clans in Warframe

Not everything you see on the market in your ship can be bought from the market. You can’t buy everything with platinum, there’s some things you can only obtain by *gasp* socializing with others! A good chunk of the weapons and a grand total of five Warframes are locked away behind Clan Research, requiring one to join a clan and buy the blueprints from there. But clans are a pretty cool thing as well, so let’s discuss those. First off, joining a clan. If all you want to do is get these blueprints and get out, then the best place… [Continue Reading]

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Counter Triangle Counter Square

Woo boy, it’s been a long time since I wrote a Team Fortress 2 article, but even though I hardly play any more, there’s something to be said about the unusual balance in TF2. Team Fortress 2 has always been a circle of classes and class counters. This counters that. That counters something else. Really, you have two kinds of counters. The counter triangle and the counter square. It’s all to do with how classes counter each other. The Counter Square is somewhat obvious and obscure at the same time. You know how a Pyro counters a Spy, right? Well… [Continue Reading]

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Payday The Heist: AI Bots Explained

The bots in Payday: The Heist are designed to fill the role of an average if unremarkable teammate. They’ve got a number of behavioral quirks and coded advantages over humans, but that’s just to compensate for all the really basic stuff they can’t do at all. This guide will cover every possible difference I’ve found between the Payday: The Heist bots and their human counterparts. Statistics AI bots have 75 hitpoints that are constantly regenerating, turning them into pretty impressive bullet sponges so long as they aren’t standing out in the open taking suppressing fire from three different directions. When… [Continue Reading]

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Window Dressing

Richard Feynman, in one of his autobiographies (if memory serves: Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!), talks about losing his wife. She was diagnosed with tuberculosis, which at that time (the 1940s) was untreatable/incurable. In SYJMF, he says that he didn’t cry at her funeral, or precisely accept that she was dead. Until two weeks later, when he was walking down the street, glanced in a shop-window, and thought “Arline would love that dress.” That was when it hit him, and he started to cry. Yesterday, I went to an alumni (Sarah Lawrence, 2013) event. Someone asked who my don (SLC’s system:… [Continue Reading]

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Four Useful, Rounded Warframes

Picture this: You’re kinda new to Warframe. You’ve unlocked a nice handful of planets. But things are starting to get tough. You want to stick more mods into your Warframes but you only have one Orokin Reactor available. Which Warframe should you stick a golden potato in, with which to get the most mileage? Which Warframe is the best all-rounder who will carry you the rest of the way through the solar system? A quick note, I’m mainly looking at easy-to-get Warframes. Starter Warframes are always a good choice to potato though, as you’ll most likely know their ins and… [Continue Reading]

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How to Hunt an Eidolon

In light of the 23 minutes of raw footage of capturing Eidolons I posted on the SPUF of Legend Youtube channel, I should probably, you know, tell you how to hunt and capture an Eidolon of your own. Because that would be useful. Step 1: Complete the War Within. You NEED the dumb space kid for this. Step 2: Complete Saya’s Vigil, the quest for Gara, so you can talk to her pretending to be dead husband Onkko. Step 3: Speak to Onkko to get your Mote Amp, or better still, kill Vomvalysts and other non-Eidolon Sentients, steal their Sentient… [Continue Reading]

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Retvik’s Ridiculous Guide to Rolling and Selling Rivens

Riven mods. All the potential in the world to make your favourite weapons amazing, locked away behind a wall of randomness and horrible Kuva. They’re also locked away behind a limited amount of space, with a base amount of 15 Riven Mod slots, with more riven slots costing you 60 platinum for a measly 3 slots. They’re expensive and annoying and disappointing and if you want to make use of them, not end up with an inventory of crap or make some platinum, you need to learn how and when to get rid of them. Let’s make things clear right… [Continue Reading]

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Medical Necessity Dev Diary #8

Happy Saturday! As mentioned last time, we’re moving heavily into the “content creation” phase and out of the “setting up the core elements of the game” phase, which means we’ve got lots of exciting new art and quality-of-life assets to showcase! There are three major new elements this GIF showcases. Firstly, Carry finished an update to the camera; now the screen will zoom in or pull out so the full team can be seen at any given time. We’re still planning on finding a hybrid compromise between this new camera and the aforementioned off-screen indicators for specific far-off characters (right… [Continue Reading]

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Horses in Paladins

Horses are a fairly significant part of Paladins’s gameplay. When you spawn, you’ll be on a horse. Unless, of course, you have the Primal Prowler skin equipped which will grant you a sabretooth tiger as a steed instead. No matter the species of your steed, it’ll grant you increased movement speed, and you’ll only dismount if you are either attacking or being attacked. If you find your horse too slow, the item Master Riding can serve to boost the speed of your steed. The trade off is that with the purchase of Master Riding, you cannot buy Morale Boost, which increases… [Continue Reading]

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Sven Co-op and Half-Life with Siblings

I like to be left alone when I play games, yet I constantly get roped into playing games with my brother and sister. Generally games they want to play, not games I want to play. If I ever suggest something, it’s always “nah don’t fancy that”, but I’m not allowed to complain about their choice of games. Luckily, we managed to convince each other to give Sven Co-op a go, after I said it was free. Everyone likes Half-Life, right? Maybe not. Sister had never really played before. Okay, she’s looked at it and knows what the game is and… [Continue Reading]

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