
I am sitting here, in front of my screen, trying to decide what I want to write about. There are many, many choices. Many of which will probably be about video games. After all, this IS a video game blog. However, today, I don’t fancy doing that. Instead, I am just reflecting on the other week and all the things that happened. Things were somewhat hectic, other things were simply bad. But at the end of the day, I am still here. That week though was a rather specifically bad week. Bad things kept on cropping up. I spent chunks… [Continue Reading]

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Rest in Peace, Gnawing Hunger

The other day, I did something weird. I’d leaped into Destiny 2 to take part in a cheesy raid, and gone to my vault to get some new weapons. The Lorenz Driver I had needed upgrading, so I grabbed my last upgrade module and selected a weapon to infuse into it. This is a perfectly normal thing to do, after all, I have a lot of weapons. But I needed a higher level weapon to infuse into my Lorenz Driver before we could do this raid. Somehow, in my confusion and exhaustion, I accidentally sacrificed the wrong weapon. I really,… [Continue Reading]

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On Legendary Buddies

I like the buddy concept in Pokemon GO. It’s one of the few things where Pokemon are treated as friends rather than candy. Sure, not a lot happens with the buddy system, but it’s a unique thing that you can passively work towards. Some Pokemon are easier to walk than others, and walking a Pokemon to Best Buddy isn’t always needed. I’ve also recommended in the past to not walk a Legendary or Mythical Pokemon, because they take too long before getting any tangible benefits. Well, call me stupid, because I don’t actually listen to my own ramblings. At all,… [Continue Reading]

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The Best Non-Warframe Specters

Warframe can seem quite odd at times. But one of the things I find particularly odd are Specters. Not just Warframe Specters, but random other specters too. While I have already discussed Warframe specters (and done so quite a bit), I haven’t really mentioned the handful of other specters we can use. And if you play Warframe with enough random characters, you can obtain a lot of these specter blueprints with ease, as they mostly drop from Syndicate attacks. What’s interesting though is that we actually have some backstory when it comes to specters. They were originally the brain child… [Continue Reading]

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What the Hell is Going On With Forsaken?

Destiny 2 has a very weird DLC system. After X amount of time, a DLC will be ‘vaulted’ and removed from the game. It’s honestly a really shitty system, since DLCs are something we pay for. Normally, the stuff being taken away is “content no one likes and is no longer relevant”. But for the upcoming Witch Queen DLC? Well… It’s pretty fucking stupid. The Forsaken DLC is being vaulted. Admittedly, the Forsaken DLC is pretty damn old. Like, three years old. But the majority of Forsaken is still in a lot of use. While no one likes the Fanatic… [Continue Reading]

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Sparrows Make Me Both Sad and Happy

I like sparrows. In fact, I quite like birds in general. It boggles the mind that something like a sparrow is somehow related to dinosaurs. Well, not all of them, of course. What is also cool is going pretty fast. Which the little things do. Either way, sparrows are cool. Not actual Sparrows When it comes to Destiny 2, the names of items and gear are kinda… oddly human. And very much in English (by default) alongside the occasional Latin or Greek gibberish. Doesn’t normally bother me. But there’s one thing that really confuses me. Why are our little speedster… [Continue Reading]

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Oh No! A Dragon Wing Ephemera!

I’ll be honest, I’m a sucker for a good pair of wings. Being a person who loves dragons, wings are part of the bundle. That being said, I don’t normally put wings on anything in video games. Mostly because they block my view. Warframe is the one exception to this rule, because most of the wings in Warframe are rather stylized. And they neatly pack away so they’re not so cumbersome. Well, the folding away thing applies more for Syandanas, cloaks for our backs. However, we have two new pairs of wings that are actually ephemera. Easy-to-obtain Ephemera, considering I… [Continue Reading]

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A Long List of Little Things I Want In: Elder Scrolls 6

It’s been ages since I last played Skyrim. But the fact that Skyrim is being revamped into a new addition yet again is weird. How many different versions of Skyrim do we need? Clearly more of them. In the mean time though, when it comes to the next Elder Scrolls game, we’re still pretty clueless. We know the game will be set in Hammerfell, but that’s pretty much it. In the mean time though, there are lots of things I would like to see in the Elder Scrolls VI. Here is a small sample of them. Better Followers. Followers in… [Continue Reading]

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A Tenno’s Thoughts on Destiny 2

Going from new light to trials of osiris, this has been my experience with the game. The Good Solid gunplay, interesting enemies, excellent teamplay. This game understandably feels like halo, and that’s a great thing. Good team interactions, cooperation, great boss fights and core gameplay loop of shoot-to-loot. Armor and customization is through the roof, and you really can play how you want. Great art, music, landscapes, the game is beautiful and runs well. It rewards consistent fighting and it makes you really feel like you’re part of a war effort, and there’s always something to do. The voice acting,… [Continue Reading]

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The Best Endo Farms in Warframe

In Warframe, everyone needs Endo. Endo is a magical ball of energy that you use to level up mods. The gold-trimmed fodder for mods drop all over the place, but often not in huge amounts. You might pick up 5-80 endo in a mission, but farming like that will take you forever, especially with gold and Primed mods. Luckily, we have some great ways to farm for Endo! Kill Kela’s Cronies in Arena Mode Arena Mode in Warframe is kinda weird. The maps are clearly made with the Conclave in mind. However, Arena Mode is actually set against NPCs. It’s… [Continue Reading]

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