Zorua Is Both Here and Obvious

After a very, very long wait, Zorua is finally available in Pokemon GO. Debuting in the Halloween Event Part 2, Zorua had a rocky start and was initially disabled, but it was released towards the end of the event, ready to disguise itself. Because that’s what this familiar, well-loved Pokemon does. And who does it disguise as? Our buddies, of course. Zorua is very obvious. Normally, spawning disguised as your buddy sounds pretty cool. Especially if you’re walking something like a Noibat or perhaps a Deino. Seeing something rare on your Pokemon radar will make you rush over to it.… [Continue Reading]

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Dice Throne

The other day, I played a board game called Dice Throne. The campaign was a simple one. Gather the dice shards from across the map, kill enemies and then kick the ass of a boss character. It’s a pretty fun game, but it is also pretty damn strange. The first thing that is strange is that there is no board. Instead, we have several scenarios, and we build a map using various cards of various difficulties. Each map has a portal card from which you start, various cards of locations with varying difficulties, and finally a boss tile where you… [Continue Reading]

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A Brief Glance at Overwatch 2

You know what? Overwatch 2 is alright. I actually jumped into a few casual matches the other day with my boyfriend, and it was pretty fun. If a bit laggy. However, it’s definitely not perfect. Mostly just better than I expected. Starting fresh Since this was jumping in to Overwatch for the first time in years, I realised that I am starting from scratch. I have a limited pool of heroes, and a free season pass I definitely won’t finish. It kinda reminds me of playing League of Legends a little, especially with the ton of new heroes that have… [Continue Reading]

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Why is Egg Mayo So Tasty?

There are millions of fillings you can put into a sandwich. A sandwich can contain pretty much whatever you want, from grilled cheese and simple ham and mayonnaise, to stupidly over the top meat-filled monsters. But for some reason, lately, I’ve been kinda fixated on one particular filling: egg mayonnaise. If you don’t know what egg mayonnaise is, it’s pretty simple. You boil up some eggs, peel them then mash them up with a fork. You then add some mayonnaise (or a mixture of mayonnaise and yogurt if you are feeling fancy), add some salt and pepper and throw it… [Continue Reading]

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Cats and Health

Cats are strange creatures. We treasure them as pets, but, unlike dogs, cats are very aloof and mostly do as they please. It’s easy to annoy a cat and make it attack you, and cats often scratch and bite when they are angry. People have to be careful of cats, especially wild ones, as they may carry diseases. However, despite all of this, cats can actually be good for your health. It turns out that a cat can be a great companion for someone who is feeling down or lonely. While a cat can’t make you feel positive thoughts, it… [Continue Reading]

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Remote Raid Passes are the Future Now

Back when people actually cared about COVID and remained indoors, Niantic, the makers of Pokemon GO, released Remote Raid Passes. These passes allowed you to fight in raids at a distance, rather than having to be within 40m of a gym. As the majority of people couldn’t go outside, a big chunk of Pokemon GO was now inaccessible. Remote Raid Passes made gyms accessible again. As an added bonus, you could get 3 passes for 250 coins, saving yourself 50 coins for other things. Basically, pretty much everyone liked Remote Raid Passes. Not only did they mean you can play… [Continue Reading]

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Why I Don’t Consider Myself a Gamer

The term “gamer” can mean all sorts of things. Generally the term just means someone who plays a lot of video games, but there are also plenty of gamer stereotypes out there, dependent on many different things, such as consoles, handheld games, mobile games, and so on. However, I’ve never really considered myself a gamer. I’m just a person who plays video games occasionally. Am I really a gamer though? Or am I something else? I’m not very good at video games Seriously. As someone who has been playing video games for years, I’m shit at most of them. Parkour… [Continue Reading]

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Why the Sloop is the Best Ship

On my first few voyages, I played either in a brig or a galleon. The brig and galleon Stormcloud ships are mighty beasts that tear through the seas, chewing up their opposition. To the point that people have seen the name Stormcloud and instantly bailed. Back in those early adventures, it was nice to have other people on board Bacxaber’s ship, because I was still learning the ropes. Lately though, I was invited to play on a sloop, which is for two people only. And boy did it improve my experience on sailing and combat. In a single session, Bacxaber… [Continue Reading]

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A War Over A New Gym

In Cyprus, there’s not really much going on between Pokemon GO’s three teams, Valor, Mystic and Instinct. It’s not too difficult to get your 50 coins a day, and contests over gyms only really happened before raids, so you get extra Pokeballs when catching your Legendary Pokemon. But normally, the use of gyms where I live isn’t hectic. And the few places that are hectic, they’re always in the tourist areas. However, not every Gym is that peaceful or quiet. Especially the one down the road. A new gym? So, recently, I moved house. I moved from one side of… [Continue Reading]

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CTF_Crasher, the Most Interesting New TF2 Map in Years

I’ve found myself occasionally leaping back into TF2 these days. I’m not sure why, maybe I just miss the mixture of arena shooter mechanics and incredible character design/writing. But anyway, with Scream Fortress 2022 in full swing, I’ve had a chance to play all the new maps, and I really really like ctf_crasher. Overview For those who haven’t tried it, ctf_crasher is the first ‘new’ game mode we’ve received in years. While nominally Capture the Flag, it’s actually ‘reverse CTF’ in that both teams are trying to deliver their bomb to the enemy camp. And whichever character carries their team’s… [Continue Reading]

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