The Only Five Focus Abilities You’ll Ever Need

Focus, unlocked by completing the Second Dream and expanded upon in the War Within, is a strange, somewhat tedious thing to farm. At first, farming Focus is insanely difficult as you’ll only ever have one or two Focus Lenses at first. You’ll obtain more later on, via bounties and events and things like that, but the initial focus farm is slow and tedious and just doesn’t get anywhere, because about 1% of all affinity you earn is turned into Focus. On whatever you have a lens equipped on. Slowly, things do open out. Over time, you’ll get more lenses and… [Continue Reading]

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A Rounded Warframe Recommendation Collection

There’s a point in Warframe that you are capable of starting to obtain new Warframes but you don’t know which ones to go for or even whether you CAN obtain them. You most likely don’t have that many resources and you certainly don’t have many Warframe slots so you have to be careful which Warframes you work towards. So, because you probably have a limit on how many Warframes you can own, it’s good to focus on one good Warframe for various tasks that you need, from dealing huge damage to stunning enemies to being hard to kill. To help… [Continue Reading]

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What To Buy From Baro Ki’Teer on July 6th

July 6th is the date for Tennocon, the annual real life Warframe event hosted in London, Canada. Despite it being a real life event with tickets that sell out insanely quickly, where you get to meet the people at Digital Extremes as well as other Warframe fans, there’s actually a lot to do for people who can’t come in person. For example, every year there is a special Tennocon Dev Stream, and this year pretty much all the cool stuff will be streamed live on Twitch and Mixxer. There’s also the Digital Tennocon pass which lets you get some neat… [Continue Reading]

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A Simple Modding Guide for Weapons

Modding in Warframe can be tricky. Between the random rarity of mods you need, the time you have to play, the amount of credits you have and the amount of Endo you are able to obtain, making sure your weapons are strong enough to deal with enemies isn’t an easy task. And then you have to work out what mods you have to stick on your weapons in the first place. Well, here’s the really, really simple guide. Step 1: Base Damage Mods. You want to get these mods, put them on your weapons and fully rank them if possible.… [Continue Reading]

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What To Do With Rivens? A Simple Riven Guide

Even though I’m not really doing Sorties lately, I still always seem to have a couple of unwanted Riven mods lying around. Riven mods are unique as they can be for any one weapon, have a wide variety of stats and make some weapons insanely powerful. The stats on these mods aren’t set in stone though, they change every so often, whenever the developers think a weapon is too strong or too weak. There’s also the strange fact that you can only ever have a maximum of 90 Riven mods, with Riven slots costing 20 Platinum a piece – the… [Continue Reading]

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How to Level Up Quickly With Solaris United

Grinding for Standing to level up with various Syndicates can feel boring and repetitive and often feel that it’s not worth it. That’s because the Syndicate grind IS boring and repetitive. The only way it isn’t boring and repetitive is to be an older player who has a massive backlog of Syndicate Medallions for the 6 angry Syndicates and a ton of spare resources for Solaris United, Vox Solaris and the Quills, in the form of Debt Bonds, Toroids and Sentient Cores. Sure, sure, you can spend all your life fishing and mining, mainly for Cetus and Solaris United, but… [Continue Reading]

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The One Forma Generalist Volt Build

I’ve often prided myself with getting to MR26 and not having stuck a Forma in any of my Warframes, but when a recent update brought out dual energy colours, I kinda had to forma some of my Warframes, in the name of Fashion. And the first person to get a Forma of course was my beloved Volt Prime. But that got me thinking. I’d had a zero Forma build for a long time. In fact, I had posted about this a while back in my Everyday Volt Build, which uses no Forma and works both on Volt and Volt Prime.… [Continue Reading]

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Looking at Warframe’s Milestone Weapons

With Warframe’s milestone login system, you get a little reward every time you sign in, with bigger rewards every 50 and 100 days. On your 100th, 300th, 500th and 700th logins, you get a choice of one of four weapons: the Azima, the Zenistar, the Zenith or the Sigma and Octanis. Considering you get one of these weapons every 200 days, it can be pretty hard deciding which one to choose. You can get your first special weapon on your 100th login, with a choice between the Azima, the Zenistar or the Zenith. The Sigma and Octanis becomes available from… [Continue Reading]

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Fifty Platinum – What Should You Do With It?

When you start Warframe, you’re given 50 Platinum. Platinum is the premium currency of Warframe which, unlike many other premium currencies, can be traded with other players. Most of the time. The 50 Platinum you start off with though can only be spent in the Warframe Market and can’t be traded with other players in any way. The question is, how do you spend that Platinum? It’s very tempting to instantly spend that 50 Platinum on one of the cheap Syandanas for your Warframe. The Uru Syandana for example is very nice, with a metallic sheen to it and a… [Continue Reading]

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5 Shotguns You Should Try in Warframe

Shotguns are always a fun weapon type. Limited mag sizes, slow reload speeds but a fuckton of damage, all neatly wrapped inside a cool-looking gun. Sure, reload times will be a problem, but that doesn’t matter when you can spray enemies with death in pellet form. Or some other form, because Warframe shotguns are weird, crazy things. Anyway, here are five shotguns that you should really try and aren’t the Tigris Prime. Because the Tigris Prime is hard to get and insanely over-hyped these days. The Corinth Th Corinth is a Tenno-made shotgun that was hyped for an insanely long… [Continue Reading]

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