The Problem with Riven Mods

When the War Within came out, it introduced Riven Mods, often just called rivens. The idea was that you’d receive a veiled mod with a challenge on it. Equipping this mod on a weapon and completing the challenge would unveil the riven and produce a mod for a specific weapon with randomized stats on it. These mods would cost about the same as rare/gold mods to upgrade and would ideally be a huge buff to unpopular or bad weapons, since the randomized stats included would give you more space for other mods, allow you to experiment more and try out… [Continue Reading]

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The Day We Missed

Today is the 19th of September 2017. On the 19th of September 2013, we missed a day. aabicus dutifully explained why in his article on the 20th, informing the few readers that we had that the Daily SPUF was moving to, the Daily SPUF website that exploded then miraculously came back to life. The site we had before we ended up here on I don’t think aabicus thought we would still be going in 2017. I should point out that this is four years later, and we’re still pumping out articles and we’re slowly making our way to… [Continue Reading]

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On Rahkshi

The Rahkshi were the six main bad guys in the 2003 Bionicle storyline, branded as the ‘Sons of Makuta’ and made out to be incredibly evil and hard to beat. They were considered genuinely scary beings and were the first sets to have simple bendy knees. Luckily, like the Bohrok and Bohrok-Kal and the Rahi before them, all you have to do to defeat them is to remove the squidgy, organic part and the Rahkshi just fall down. Problem is, while originally the Rahkshi were scary enemies that even the newly powered up Toa Nuva struggled to defeat, we later… [Continue Reading]

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The Joys of CSS

No, I’m not talking about Counter-Strike: Source. I’m talking about Cascading Style Sheets. Cascading Style Sheets, better known as CSS, is a language used to make other languages look prettier. More specifically, it tells your web browser what a web page should look like. Even more specifically, CSS tells specific elements in your HTML what they should look like. Using CSS, you can make a background any colour you want, you can make text bigger and smaller, you can make links change colour when you hover and click on them, you can create menus, make pages mobile-friendly,  you can make… [Continue Reading]

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Equestria is a Horrible Place

Like many of my articles, this one was inspired by a conversation I once had with aabicus. Now, we’ve mentioned this before, but aabicus has his fingers in many, many different pies, one of them being the MMO called Legends of Equestria, and we’ve even had an announcement for it here. Of course, being a My Little Pony thing, aabicus needs to get his head into all of that, create himself a pony for play-testing and have a decent understanding of its history and lore so he can write quests for it. For a franchise designed to sell toys to… [Continue Reading]

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An Article a Day Keeps the Medic Away

Today is December 24th. Christmas Eve if you’re celebrating. The first day of Macromera if you’re a Rethavok. Either way, hopefully it’s a nice day. Things are cooking, people are excited, it’s all good. What better time than to reflect on, well, stuff. The Daily SPUF is now over three years old, having started way back in 2013, with a handful of articles written by a handful of SPUF denizens. Now, over 1200 articles later, we have come a long way since those humble beginnings. From Blog.Org to WordPress, from server to server, we’re still here. We’ve published an article… [Continue Reading]

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100% Orange Juice

  100% Orange Juice, a board game on Steam filled with so much randomness that it would make random crit haters cry tears of blood. Starting off, this game is filled with many characters, many of whom come from other games. Some are original to this game, while others come from different games from the same company, such as the Suguri series, Flying Red Barrel, and QP Shooting. When you first start off on your magical adventure, you can choose one of four starting characters: QP, Suguri, Marc, or Kai. Each of them has their strengths and weaknesses, but I’d… [Continue Reading]

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Little tiny changes!

Something magical has happened. As I was eating my awesome home-made vegetable soup the other day, I noticed something unusual. I suddenly had more power. I could change things I could not change before. Lots of magical, wonderful things. So I got to work and made a few… changes around here. First off, our wonderful sticky bomb favicon is back. Fuck yeah! Aaby missed the poor thing, and it’s technically our logo. Hence why it’s all over our social media pages. Then I went and made sure we had a proper mobile site. That’s currently not working very well, so… [Continue Reading]

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On Crits

Yes. That thing that’s the sparkling rocket. That thing that’s the Sniper (or the Spy’s) headshot. That thing that comes from a Flare Gun or the prenerf Axtinguisher. That thing an Engineer gets on a Frontier Justice when his minisentry dies. Today, we will talk about the crit. Crits tend to be very annoying, random or not. It feels very aggravating to die to one. It does not help if it’s completely random and could not have been one, ending up with you cursing your luck for the rocket that manages to take off 360 of your health. Crits were… [Continue Reading]

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The Isaacing of Binds

I’m a royal pain in the ass when it comes to trying out new games. It’s very easy for them to annoy me and for me to stop playing, assuming I even get started. Elder Scrolls Online for example pissed me off early on by making lockpicking, stealth and archery all a real pain in the backside. No, I wasn’t expecting Skyrim Online, but I expected, I don’t know, something better, especially since it costs so much just to play the base game, and they had subscriptions and now they have an in-game shop. The Binding of Isaac though is… [Continue Reading]

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