TF2 vs. TFC: Who would win?

A long time ago I made a thread just for funsies, Who would win in a fight; the TF2 team or the TFC (Team Fortress Classic) team? After fifteen pages and several necros, the consensus appears to be: probably TFC, but both teams have a lot of pros and cons on their side of the table. So, without further ado, I’m going to look at each of the nine classes from TFC and TF2 and compare which outclasses his counterpart. There are obviously a myriad of other factors like grenades, random crits, unlocks, and bunnyhopping that would have to be… [Continue Reading]

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The Classic Spy

He’s last in every class lineup, so it’s only fair to save the Team Fortress Classic spy for my final class breakdown article. The Classic Spy has a huge arsenal of toys and tricks available to him. Interestingly, he fills almost the same role as our spy but the tools at his disposal are almost completely different. The first thing you’ll notice is some serious firepower that our spy could only dream of. Super shotgun, hand grenades, nailgun…when push comes to shove I’ve seen a cornered spy simply shoot his way out of pretty hairy situations. 1) You can throw… [Continue Reading]

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Team Fortress Classic Soldier and HWGuy

The ultimate migratory classes for TF2 vets who are first trying the game. I don’t know what much to say about them, they play almost identically to their TF2 counterparts, and if you don’t change your playstyle in the slightest you won’t really go wrong. Here are some generic tips though: 1. Rebind your slot 5 weapon to slot 4. Just a suggestion, it really helped me. In TFC, there are actually 5 weapon slots, but no class uses more than 4 of them. I’ve never really understood the logic by which Valve chose each weapon to link to which… [Continue Reading]

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A Battle of Healers – The TF2 Medic VS The TFC Medic

Let us be frank here: The Medic we all love dearly is hugely different from the healing class in many, many other games. There are few places where the most important person on your team is the person healing you and your team and keeping everyone alive by making health bars go up instead of go down. So I decided to have a think about this. How would our Medic do fighting against other healers? Before we begin, a clarification. The Team Fortress 2 Medic was designed with teamwork in mind. He’s almost helpless on his own. That being said,… [Continue Reading]

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Advice for Playing TFC Scout

TFC Scout has a lot in common with his Boston counterpart, but he emphasizes completely different parts of the Scout class role. Notably, he is even faster than TF2 Scout, but packs hardly a punch in combat. No meatshots, or moonshots, or really any sort of meaningful shots from this merc. Here’s what you gotta know: 1) You are a flagrunner true and true. Unlike Medic, who can flagrun, heal, infect, and kill all in the same life, you are a fragile speedster who better run away from everything. Your loadout is completely built around getting the heck out of… [Continue Reading]

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Why Scout Needs a Nailgun

In my article “5 Things I miss From Team Fortress Classic“, I gave the very first spot on the list to its nailgun. Every time I’m stuck as Scout seeing a sentry around a corner, but with no means of dealing with it myself, I wish Valve hadn’t taken my simple and easy way to get rid of that darn thing. The TFC nailgun is most comparable to the TF2 Syringe gun, with a major difference: no gravity falloff on the projectiles, meaning that they fly in a straight line forever like a rocket. This lets you deal basically a… [Continue Reading]

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Poor Unloved TFC Pyro

So what if every weapon in Pyro’s arsenal is rubbish. So what if TFC afterburn deals 2 ticks of damage for 4 ticks, a grand total of EIGHT damage before extinguishing itself. So what if napalm grenades are the only explosive grenades in TFC with lower damage output than regular hand grenades. You know what the pyro has that nobody else has? Personality. TFC Pyro is the only class in the game with idle animations! Occasionally, he’ll sweep his hand lovingly across the top of his flamethrower, or fiddle with the sighting reticule of his Incendiary cannon. He clearly loves… [Continue Reading]

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Playing Dell’s father (possibly)

Is the Team Fortress Classic engineer Dell’s father? Personally, I’m unsure. It would be cool to think that missing link between Radigan and Dell Conagher was also a Mann-employed combat engineer, but on the other hand that means Dell is about to fight his father in the coming comics. But even if he’s not related biologically to Dell Conagher, the TFC Engineer is definitely related in gameplay. They are very, very similar. The first thing aspiring TF2 migrants are going to have to terms with is the upgrading process. Here it is: You need to put all 200 metal into… [Continue Reading]

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The Civilian:That Which Doesn’t Kill You Probably Missed

The life of a Civilian is short and terrified. With half as many health points as a Scout (only 50), no armor and the entire enemy team composed entirely of Sniper rifles, the Civilian must be handled with a completely different mindset from any other class. Be paranoid, be timid, and don’t move forward until its very clear that your bodyguards have cleared the next stage of the map out for you. Let me back up a bit, in case you haven’t tried or heard of TFC’s Escort game mode before. Unique in Team Fortress history (at least until MvM… [Continue Reading]

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5 Things you Might Not Know were from Team Fortress Classic

TFC is a simple game, especially compared to its predecessor. Two teams of nine mercenaries grab flags and kill each other, and that’s pretty much it. Contrast that to Team Fortress 2, where I’m hard-pressed to think of anything that hasn’t made it into the game in some fashion. But dig under the surface and there are a couple of things that actually debuted in TFC which you might not know about. Things like: 1) A bunch of popular TF2 maps. This one’s pretty common knowledge, but if you have no experience with TFC you may not know that a… [Continue Reading]

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