Warframe’s Fortuna update has been released

After a tense few months, the Fortuna update is finally here for PC, and it’s a big one! Over 4GB of big! Sadly Consoles have to wait a bit, but they’ll get Fortuna soon! What’s in the update, you ask? Aside from the massive new area, the Orb Valis? A place that’s like, double, maybe triple the size of the Plains of Eidolon and is also a lot taller and deeper? Firstly there’s the brand new K-Drive. Because why the hell would you want to fly across the Orb Valis when you can fricking hoverboard across it? While grinding along… [Continue Reading]

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Scream Fortress X is here…

Scream Fortress X. Yes. X. That means ten in Roman Numerals. Ten. 10. That’s a pretty large number. There’s like, infinity+9 numbers all smaller than 10. For a video game, ten is a HUGE number. But here we are, with Scream Fortress 10. What’s actually in Scream Fortress 10? Not a lot. It’s a lot like Scream Fortress 9. And Scream Fortress 8. And Scream Fortress 7 as well, actually. There are two Halloween crates – a cosmetics crate and a weapon skin crate. For some reason the cosmetic case is called the Violet Vermin. I thought it was a… [Continue Reading]

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Chimera Prologue – A New Mini Quest

I’ll be honest, I was surprised when I heard that there was a new quest included in the recent Warframe update. The fact that it was 3GB suggested that there was more behind the scenes, but I just assumed that 3GB was all part of the huge number of bug fixes and changes or something. Nope, there’s a mini quest. Heads up! Spoilers ahead, because this quest is basically a HUGE spoiler of what’s to come. If you want to play it, you need to have completed every other main quest up until now, including the Sacrifice. Chimera Prologue has… [Continue Reading]

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Mask of the Revenant – New Mini Quest and Warframe

The Mask of the Revenant update came out late on the night of Friday the 26th of August, so late that I didn’t expect to see it until the following Monday. It comes with a new Warframe called Revenant and a new mini quest. Not a real quest like the Sacrifice, but not even a semi quest like Patient Zero for Mesa’s blueprint or the entirety of the Limbo Theorem and the Sands of Inaros quests. As in, the quest doesn’t appear in one’s Codex like most other quests do. But yes, Revenant is here. The 36th Warframe. His quest… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch Adds Hamster Droideka

The newest Overwatch hero came completely out of left field. (Or, to be more, specific, the moon.) The unexpected hamster is even more surprising since ‘Hammond’ as a character has been the most anticipated new hero since Sombra and Doomfist. Ever since the Horizon Lunar Colony map was added, revealing that the only two escaped test subjects were Winston and ‘Hammond’, people have been theorizing that Blizzard will add a new chimp hero. These theories conflated with the jetpack cat meme that was born around the same time, further expanding the list of species fans were hypothesizing, and ever since… [Continue Reading]

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The Sacrifice is Here..

“I HAVE MADE SACRIFICES, TENNO!” Vay Hek shouts at you whenever you visit Oro on Earth, in the Vay Hek Assassination mission. “ARE YOU READY FOR A SACRIFICE?” That line has basically echoed through the Warframe community ever since the Sacrifice was teased last Tennocon. The next Tennocon starts in July, they promised the Sacrifice would be out by then and now it’s out. Update 23 is here, downloading as I speak. A whole 2GB worth of stuff. Somewhat close in size to the Plains of Eidolon, even though it’s apparently just a quest and a bunch of cosmetics and… [Continue Reading]

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Sanctuary Onslaught – An Excuse to Kill Stuff

The Sanctuary Onslaught mission is now available to play. Cephalon Simaris, the orange AI who love getting all in your face, has invited you to his datascape in order to do some experiments for him. He offers you two difficulties, a normal version and an ‘elite’ version, which is just a fancy way of saying hard mode, with much higher level enemies. Simaris wants to do tests in efficiency and lethality, and up until now, he has been recreating battles inside his Sanctuary in order to study how quickly and efficiently things die. But after so many tests, he wants… [Continue Reading]

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Team Fortress 2 now has Real Competitive Rankings

Out of the blue, a wild Team Fortress 2 update has appeared! A Team Fortress 2 update that actually has some substance, that is more than just the release of a new cosmetic set. Okay, that was still a big part of the update, and ironically the new collection is called the Blue Moon Case, but still, we got changes! Balance ones! The biggest thing though is the change to the competitive system. The much needed changes. The changes we should have had ages ago. Before the update, everyone, from b4nny to a guy who literally just started the game… [Continue Reading]

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On 28 March 2018, TF2 received an update

And in it came a bunch of matchmaking changes, balancing and bug fixes. For one, Competitive mode now uses CS: GO’s Glicko skill rating system for matchmaking, which should help ensure that the matches are more balanced. Aside from that, The ranks in Competitive has been changed from 18 ranks to 13. Aside from that, Competitive Matchmaking Passes are now US$ 9.99. Non-pass holders need to be at least Casual level 3, be a Premium user and have a valid phone number associated to the account, which should hopefully reduce the amount of hackers in Competitive mode by raising the… [Continue Reading]

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Art Attack

First off, I know… It’s perfection. You’re envious, I understand, truly, I do! No-one will ever hold a candle to, nevermind best, my godlike art skills. As painful as that realisation is, that’s not the point of this article. Besides, that pain would be a fraction of a fraction compared to the pain caused by Hi-Rez Studios when their beloved hero shooter Paladins with executed in cold-blood with the introduction of the Cards Unbound system. *shivers* Truly a chilling tale never to be forgotten by the victims of this atrocity. The community fought back in spite of the constant denials to… [Continue Reading]

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