One Thousand and Six Hundred Posts – A Look Back

Happy 1600 articles! As a long-time lurker, I have been reading The Daily SPUF for at least three years by now. Now that we’re at a milestone, I thought it will be nice to look back and talk about some of the articles I enjoyed. And no, I’m not going to go over all 1593 articles because there is no way I can write a kilometer-long article by the time the 1599th article get published. And now, in no particular order: Posts about unused game content are always fascinating to read, because it shows the different directions the game devs explored,… [Continue Reading]

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An Alpha Version of Burning Skies

Burning Skies is my second favourite mod in Skyrim, after the amazing mod that is Open Cities. It’s both a big, clunky mod and a small mod – not many people seem to use it despite its huge number of endorsements and downloads, and very few people seem to use it full time the way I do. At some point, I’ll do the dragon-based playthrough I promised I’d do after the Medic in Skyrim and Dawnguard Sniping series. But Burning Skies is a complicated mod, full of problems and bugs. It also has been a very slow process just to… [Continue Reading]

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In a typical TF2 game, you will have 12 players on each side. That is the main draw of TF2 for me, since the larger team size means a team can dedicate one or two players to carry out what will be rather unorthodox strategies for a 6 man team. For example, on a 12 man team, having one person dedicated to be a distraction can really pay off if said person can reliably draw away more than two people from the fight. Even when he can’t do so 100% of the time, which is definitely the case, 11 VS… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch’s Liao

Liao is one of the most enigmatic characters in the expanded Overwatch canon. He (or possibly she) has been there since almost the beginning, mentioned as early as May 2016 in an article that name-drops the six individuals hired by the United Nations to defend humanity during the impending Omnic Crisis. These six individuals – Soldier 76, Reaper, Torbjorn, Reinhardt, Ana, and Liao – later went on to found the entire Overwatch organization with its dedication to maintaining world peace. The thing is, beyond this single mention, there’s almost no mention of Liao in anything going forward. That’s a pretty… [Continue Reading]

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Relays and Region Chat

Despite the loneliness of the Orbiter, the silent life of a Warframe, you are always in contact with other Tenno. Whether it’s via the casual concourses of the Relays or the communication system of Region Chat, there’s always someone to talk to. In a moderated fashion. The thing is though, people seem to think that chat, late night Region Chat in particular, is some weird, creepy place where people talk about lewd things. That’s not necessarily true though. It all depends on what’s being discussed at the time. Conversations can go in weird directions and sometimes you end up talking… [Continue Reading]

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A Grineer’s Lunch

Volt hid in the shadows and waited patiently. He wasn’t a stealthy sort of Warframe, but there he was, doing a stealth mission, because why not? It wasn’t like Volt had anything better to do right now, and he wanted to test out his new silent blast Sonicor, so again, why not? He had been making good progress so far. Lots of rather scattered enemies meant that Volt could take each one out at his own pace. This mission was supposed to have been an exterminate mission, but mass slaughter didn’t need to be done swiftly. Sometimes Volt wanted to… [Continue Reading]

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Lycanthropy and Vampirism in Skyrim

What is it with wet-dog-smelling people who hate the moon and blood-drinking albino people scared of sunlight? I swear, vampirism and lycanthropy are all the rage, always have been, and will probably continue to be amusing people for decades to come. As for me? I’m really not fussed, since both are always shitty conditions to have and there’s always some stupid downside to plague you. Screw immortality, I like going outside on a sunny day, then looking at the moon at night. Skyrim is no stranger to these two curses. The only problem is that they’re both pretty shit. That’s… [Continue Reading]

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So, about Pip…

I can say with more than a fair share of certainty that Pip is a major source of contention within the Paladins community. A Support champion having more in common with the Flanker champions really ruffles some people’s feathers. He’s also got an extra stigma attached to him, to give those who dislike him more fuel to add to the fire. Thanks to Pip being (currently) the ONLY free Support champion, he’s jumped on by any and every new player leading to the image that every Pip player is completely oblivious to the plight of their team as newer players… [Continue Reading]

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Painting Silly Replica Borderlands Guns

Most of the toy shops were I live are shit, only containing shitty toys from China. The main toy store is more of a generic sells-tons-of-crap store called Jumbo. But there is one good thing about these shitty stores. You can get TONS of shitty, fake, Chinese guns for low prices. And these cheap, shitty guns are perfect for making Borderlands weapons. Why Borderlands guns? Because Borderlands guns are mostly random in shape and size. You could spend actual time and money making a specific Borderlands weapon from scratch but that might take far longer – and in the case… [Continue Reading]

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Soul Knight

For the longest time, I have a GBA emulator on my phone. In fact, I still do. I do that and went through all the trouble to get GBA roms that Nintendo haven’t cease-and-desist’d to death yet because the mobile games on the Google Play Store are simply horrid. Well, a few months ago, I found this game. This is the first screen you see when you enter the game. The random items in the room, like the potted plant, gives you buffs when you spend gems to upgrade it. The slot machine, should you win, gives you a nice… [Continue Reading]

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