What Aftermath?

Yes, I know I’ve been writing a lot about the New War, but there is so much to unpack. After all, it is a long quest that takes at least 4-5 hours to finish. Today’s article though features the aftermath of the New War. Or rather, a lack of one. Warning, mild spoilers ahead! Turn back now if you don’t wish to be spoiled. Something is bothering me when it comes to the New War. Despite all the carnage and distraction, the latest quest’s completion feels like, well, not amazing. For a quest where the whole solar system gets taken… [Continue Reading]

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There is more than one Tenno, right?

Something odd about Warframe is that we have no real idea how many Tenno are in-game. The number can fluctuate between thousands, hundreds and even possibly the tens, depending on how you look at things. Time travel, alternate universes and paradoxes could mean that there’s only one single Tenno who actually exists. Everyone else is an illusion. Please be warned, we have hints of spoilers in this article. Please read this article first. That being said, there definitely has to be more than one Tenno. After all, the Lotus has referred to us both in the singular and the plural.… [Continue Reading]

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A Weapon of the New War

I love bows. When I played Skyrim, before even really trying swords, I had an eye open for any bows lying around. Whenever I played Destiny 2, I looked for combat bows, because I found them fun. And in Warframe, there are many, many bows that I like. Even aabicus has a way of making use of bows! In my silly little head, using a bow and arrows is the best way to stab someone who is far away. Or they are the best way to blow up someone who is far away. Simply put, bows are fun. And, when… [Continue Reading]

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A Lotus of Many Colours

This article contains spoilers from the New War quest. I really recommend playing the quest by yourself, before reading any further. If you are happy to (or want to) see spoilers, then come on right in! SPOILERS START HERE The image just above is an old image. It’s from a very short quest in Warframe, where Ballas takes the Lotus away, leaving the player with just her helmet. The time stamp on that image reads from 2017. So we are looking at a very long gap from then until now. During that time, the Lotus was simulated by Ordis, so… [Continue Reading]

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A Good Launch for a New War

Alright, folks, today’s article is a little bit weird. While I will be discussing more about the New War’s contents in other articles, I actually have something very specific in mind. Today, I want to talk about how relatively good the launch was for New War. It’s actually quite interesting to me. Editor’s note: Before we start, this is just one experience. Other players may experience things differently. Weirdly Smooth For me, personally, the whole launch was weirdly smooth. While my launcher did get stuck at 99% for a bit, that was honestly the only hitch I had in a… [Continue Reading]

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The New War and the Lying Teaser

This is a heavy spoiler article for the New War. If you haven’t played the New War and don’t want to see spoilers, then please don’t read any further. The New War is a complicated quest with a LOT of spoiler content. Of course, if you don’t mind spoilers, then come right in! SPOILERS START HERE There is a LOT of weird and unexplained stuff in the New War. This quest jumps all over the place. We go from fighting an army to everyone being mind controlled, all the way to the, uh … sun. Of all places. Lore-wise, it’s… [Continue Reading]

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Initial Thoughts about the New War

On the 15th of September, at about 7:30pm local time, I got a flurry of messages over Discord. The New War, Warframe’s new and biggest quest, was finally here. All we had to do was download it. So I closed Warframe and immediately opened the launcher to start downloading. Surprisingly, for a 5GB update, it went really quickly. But the Launcher itself had changed, playing the same video over and over. An Operator and Natah facing off against each other. Finally, Warframe finished downloading and I could jump into the New War… This article is spoiler-free. However, I heavily recommend… [Continue Reading]

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My Predictions about the New War

15th December, 2021. After three years of waiting, it’s finally here. The New War. An update that puts the War back into Warframe. This update is going to be huge and it will have ramifications across the entire game. The main part of this update though is the New War quest, which potentially have massive effects in both the Origin System and the Tau system where the Sentients have been coming from. The weird thing though is that, aside from the first 30 minutes, we know pretty much nothing about the New War. Okay, yes, we know it will have… [Continue Reading]

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4 Last Minute Preparations for the New War

Finally, after way too much hype and too many setbacks, the New War is finally on its way. With a somewhat unknown release date in December, the New War promises to be the biggest update ever. With so much going on, it’s understandable that we will need to do things before we jump straight into the New War. Here’s a small list of things you’ll need to do before starting the New War. Ready your Necramech I’m like 99% certain that part of the New War will involve Orphix enemies. These Sentient bosses can kick you out of your Warframe,… [Continue Reading]

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