Prof. NiceHeart’s Guide to SMG Sniper

Prof. NiceHeart was a short-lived SPUFer who got himself banned when someone realized he was an alt of Dr. EvilBrain, a prominent user who got himself banned for creating the shortest-lived itsurblog in history following the messy closure of the original. NiceHeart’s other claim to fame was being SPUF’s resident SMG-maining Sniper, and recently he set some time aside to advise others on how to improve at this oft-maligned subclass. One final note: At the time this interview was done, the Cleaner’s Carbine had these stats.  Welcome! Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m Professor NiceHeart and I main Sniper for pubstomping,… [Continue Reading]

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How to make the Jumper weapons not useless

The Rocket Jumper and the Sticky Jumper. Two weapons originally meant for training, twisted and re-purposed into something terrifying. No sane person uses these weapons seriously, unless they just want to gimp themselves. Fewer people still actually use these for any sort of training or practice, since it’s generally better to train with a real explosive weapon. There’s even better options available for Soldier, in the form of the Gunboats. Actually, to be fair, most of the hatred ends up going towards the Rocket Jumper, since, with the Sticky Jumper, you still have a perfectly usable grenade launcher to kill… [Continue Reading]

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Design a weapon for TF2! (part two!)

I asked this question before, but there were only three staff members then. No reusing weapon concepts, you three! ———————————— John Caveson: A modified 1903 Springfield rifle for Soldier that’s a replacement for the shotty and basically a sniper rifle that can only no-scope. It would probably do around a 40-50 damage pershot. It will give Soldier better long-range capabilities while sacrificing the meatshoting and spread capabilities of the shotgun for close range protection. aabicus: You know what I’ve always wanted to see? A Medigun that kept the invulnerability Uber and tampered with the other stats instead. Just because the Kritzkrieg… [Continue Reading]

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Why Smissmas 2014 was disappointing(to me)

I think End of the Line unified the Team Fortress 2 community somewhat: It is almost universally accepted as one of the worst updates in TF2 history. But to me, personally, 2014 brought another, much more disappointing update. And no, it’s not Scream Fortress: It’s actually Smissmas. Why? Well, let’s put it this way: I had exactly zero expectations for End of the Line. Following the statements form McVee saying we’d be lucky if we got 3 weapons, and that they were testing one(which was released during Love & War), and remembering how Robotic Boogaloo went, I thought End of… [Continue Reading]

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2 Kill 2 Mockingbirds

Harper Lee is publishing a sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird! You know, that book you read in high school along with stuff from Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare and a bunch of other dead writers? The fact that the author is still alive is as much a surprise as the announcement that she’s publishing her second book ever. Go Set a Watchmen has something of a legacy to live up to, what with its prequel winning every literary prize known to mankind, and earning its author numerous honorary degrees, the National Medal of Arts and a Presidential Medal of Freedom for her contribution to… [Continue Reading]

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Characters and Conga

Not long ago, I created a thread on SPUF. Normally, my threads are a bit of fun, and this thread was no exception. All I did was tell everyone to leave their main loadout in the thread, and I’d make a giant conga picture out of it. This article sets out to reveal that giant picture (although since I used it as the featured image, that’s kinda moot, but here you see it in all its glory). But before I do that, I want to have a little talk. Being the editor of a blog means I can do that… [Continue Reading]

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Put Me In, Coach!

I was surprised the other day, when I was futzing around with my HUD, that the coaching button still exists. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone use this to any sort of effect ever. Has anyone else? Share your coaching stories in the comments, won’t you? Now, we’ll get into the real nitty-gritty here. What did this coaching function ever actually do? It’s a fairly straightforward concept, actually. To be a part of this system, you need to sign up using the megaphone icon on the homepage. There, it will prompt you to sign up as a coach, and… [Continue Reading]

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Mannpower is the new TF2 Beta in Disguise.

Now before I say anything else, I would just like to point out that this is theory, as in pure speculation, none of this is officially confirmed. OK, now since that’s out of the way let’s talk about Mannpower. My first reaction to this “game mode” was that it was incredibly silly. Grappling hooks and powerups that make you super stronk were something I expected from custom mods and trade servers, not from an official Valve beta.  That is until I spent time looking through it and looked at the details which lead me to believe that Mannpower is just… [Continue Reading]

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