Papo & Yo

Papo & Yo is one of those great games I never hear anyone actually talk about. You play as Quico, exploring the beautifully authentic South American favela with the twist that it can be manipulated and transformed in any way Quico likes via the power of his imagination. Suddenly this downtrodden environment bursts into life with the whimsical, upbeat charm it so desperately needs. This makes for such a unique space to play in and it’s so far from anything I’d ever seen or explored previously that it was automatically magnetic to me. Then there’s the big fella you’ll be… [Continue Reading]

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Damn Bloody Space Kids

I am very angry with Warframe right now. Unbelievably angry. I am sick and tired of these damn bloody space kids. I hate them. They’re horrible. “But Medic!” you ask, “Medic, why the hell are there children in a game about space ninjas?” I don’t fucking know. It’s all to do with the Second Dream and the War Within, finding out that we’re not actually wearing these awesome biomechanical ninja suits of death, oh no, we’re telepathically controlling them from a chair in the back of our ship. Originally though, that wasn’t too bad. The Second Dream kept the space… [Continue Reading]

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Lucio Added to Heroes of the Storm!

Lucio is the single most fun I’ve ever had playing a support class in a multiplayer, and now he’s bringing his area-of-effect heals over to Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard’s mashup MOBA starring characters from all over their various franchises. He’ll be joining Zarya and Tracer as the third hero to represent Overwatch.  (Which does bring up the question, will the next immigrant be a Defense hero? My money’s on Torbjörn.) Most of his kit has been preserved, albeit molded to fit the MOBA gameplay. His wallride lets him bypass enemies and avoid stuns, his various healing and sound barriers are still as powerful… [Continue Reading]

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Tips for Beating Left 4 Dead 2 and Payday the Heist on the Hardest Difficulty

This article is a combination of two similar posts I made in the Left 4 Dead 2 and Payday subreddits. Both threads were basically the author asking for advice on beating every map in the game and rating them easy to hard. To add some color I also included random screenshots from my Steam folders. Dead Center: Pretty easy. The maps are very controllable and bright and lots of corridors to control the oncoming infected. Solo is a nightmare because bots don’t grab cans for the finale. The Passing : Harder than Dead Center, mostly because each map is really… [Continue Reading]

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Sort of Tiny Tweaks to make Saints Row The Third Better

I’ve mentioned Saints Row the Third quite a few times, and every time I have people tell me that Saints Row 2 is better. But I don’t have a PS3 to play SR2 on. That being said, the flaws in SRTT are apparent and I can totally see people being put off by just how over the top Saints Row 3 is compared to its predecessor, especially if you like reality. I’ve been over some of the big things that would easily make Saints Row 3 just as good as Saints Row 2, but after a three hour coop session… [Continue Reading]

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The Dry Gulch Gulp

The Dry Gulch Gulp was added into the game during the 2013 Summer Event. It is a paper soft drink cup with a lid and straw the sits in the Engineer’s pouch and does absolutely nothing else. I suppose it isn’t fair to say that since that applies for most cosmetics, but most of them aren’t just random items stuffed into a pouch. The Dry Gulch Gulp to me is a mystery, a digital manifestation of a question I have asked myself when I see some cosmetics: what is it doing here? No offense to the guy who made it,… [Continue Reading]

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Transmissions: Element 120

I almost didn’t pick this game up because someone out there tagged it as “horror”. While I don’t mind horror games, I prefer not to have my time wasted by petty jumpscares with no effort to build up any kind of atmosphere, but this game wasn’t that. I’d say it was creepy, but in the same way ALL Half-Life games are. Unnerving, for sure, but it never tries to exploit the player for a cheap thrill which I appreciate immensely. Instead, it uses the properties of light and dark in interesting ways as well as providing new mechanics not seen… [Continue Reading]

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Widowmaker Vs. TFClassic Sniper: Who Would Win?

So I was talking with a friend about hypothetical cross-franchise class matchups, in the vein of Scout vs Tracer, Medic vs Sona, Engineer vs Nuparu, Heavy vs Braum, and Pyro vs Toa Vakama. It’s a pretty popular concept on our blog and I realized we hadn’t covered one of the most obvious, that of TF2’s favorite Kiwi versus Overwatch‘s favorite cheesecake. But after ruminating on the idea, I had trouble even starting due to the nature of TF2 Sniper’s unlocks. Do I treat TF2 Sniper as his stock class (which means Widow wins easily) or as an amalgamation of his unlocks, which turns him into a horrifying combination… [Continue Reading]

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Another look at Fashionframe

A while back, I rambled on about Fashionframe, the cosmetic minigame everyone secretly plays as they run around killing things as gaudy space ninjas. And why shouldn’t they? There is so much customization that the only similar-looking frames you see are brand new MR0 players who have just picked up the game, running around in default Excaliburs and Volts. But the thing is, cosmetics can be expensive. Your average standard Syandana (i.e. cape) will cost you between 50 and 100 platinum. Your average colour palette will cost you 75 platinum. Most armour sets cost 100 platinum and those that come… [Continue Reading]

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