Running Around with 40% Power Strength

Running around with low amounts of power strength is often sub-optimal for most Warframes. You need that power strength to, you know, make your abilities do stuff. The only real, well-known use of having less than 100% power strength is for the Speed Nova build, and even that is a somewhat niche use of her abilities, only really useful in Defense missions where people are experience farming. Having enemies race towards you means you can kill them quicker. But lately, I’ve been using only 40% power strength on a different Warframe, without that power strength being detrimental to what I… [Continue Reading]

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The One Forma Generalist Volt Build

I’ve often prided myself with getting to MR26 and not having stuck a Forma in any of my Warframes, but when a recent update brought out dual energy colours, I kinda had to forma some of my Warframes, in the name of Fashion. And the first person to get a Forma of course was my beloved Volt Prime. But that got me thinking. I’d had a zero Forma build for a long time. In fact, I had posted about this a while back in my Everyday Volt Build, which uses no Forma and works both on Volt and Volt Prime.… [Continue Reading]

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A Permanent Sense of Not Winning and Doing Nothing

I’ve secretly always been insanely competitive, but I’ve always hid that side by playing games where it doesn’t matter too much if you lose, or by playing games that are actually pretty easy once you get the hang of them. At the same time, I’ve also had a ton of people ask me if I want to play various battle royale games, mainly Apex and Fortnite. You’d think, what with the loose, “jump in, jump out” system that battle royale games have, I’d want to play them, right? Wrong. In a battle royale game, there is only one winner. Meaning… [Continue Reading]

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The Blessed Sandwich Toaster

For the longest of times, I was never a fan of the humble sandwich. There was something about it that put me off. More of a local thing than anything else. For example, the local traditional bread is nice but it’s too crumbly and dry to make a good sandwich out of, it was always better for plain jam on toast or dipping strips into sauces. And then there’s the whole issue of living in a hot country. In the summer, bread can go off in days. And if it doesn’t get moldy, it either gets filled with desperate insects… [Continue Reading]

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The Curiosity of the Umbral Forma

The end of Night Wave season 1 is coming up, and with it we will lose the first opportunity to obtain the Umbral Forma, the reward for reaching level 29 in Nightwave. The Umbral Forma was probably the most anticipated reward when Nightwave came out. After all, it’s the first non-normal Forma we have ever seen, and only recently did we get a third type of Forma, the Aura Forma. But despite the Aura Forma being newer, it still doesn’t beat the Umbral Forma in just how… curious it is. The main reason for that is simple. The Aura Forma… [Continue Reading]

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Pokemon You’ll Never Be Able To Obtain

In Pokemon Go, there are some Pokemon you will never, ever find in the wild. Because some Pokemon only appear in specific regions. Not regions in normal Pokemon games, where you can only get Sinnoh Pokemon in the Sinnoh region. Regions as in genuine geographical regions. The idea is that Pokemon on earth actually live in different locations. Which makes sense, because Pokemon would live in various environments based on their dietary needs and all that. It’s cool and all, but Pokemon being unavailable in different countries is quite a pain in the ass when it comes to actual gameplay.… [Continue Reading]

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On Avengers: Endgame and Infinity War

Avengers: Endgame has broken a fuckton of box office records and frankly everyone is ranting and raving about how awesome it is. Mostly because Avengers: Endgame was awesome but also because it was super hyped up and it did actually meet a lot of people’s expectations, and it also closes off a chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has spanned over 10 years. But for me, something feels off. As much as I enjoyed Endgame, I found that I enjoyed Infinity War much, much more. Before I continue though, I want to warn you that there will potentially be… [Continue Reading]

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A Bunch of Reasons Why You Should Go Farm for Volt Prime Right Now

Volt Prime got released from the Prime Vault alongside Loki Prime on April 30th and I’ve already gone and started farming relics for him. And you should be out there, blitzing around the Void, farming relics and getting yourself a Volt Prime as well! Why? Here’s why! 1. Volt Prime is a Straight Upgrade! As much as I love Volt, his base stats are really, really bad. Low energy and non-existent armour make him insanely squishy. Volt Prime on the other hand has one of the highest energy pools in the game, literally double what Volt has! As for armour?… [Continue Reading]

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On Aspartame and Other Artificial Sweeteners

I love aspartame. I love Acesulfame K. I love most artificial sweeteners, actually. But it’s only been in recent years that I realised that a huge number of people don’t, and that the idea that aspartame is toxic or otherwise dangerous has been around for ages. Okay, sure, aspartame is an artificial sweetener and some people just hate anything that is artificial, but is aspartame dangerous? No. Aspartame has been researched a lot. All sweeteners have. Aspartame is approved for consumption by the USA’s Food and Drug Administration and the European Food Safety Authority. It is safe to consume. No… [Continue Reading]

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Minecraft 1.14 – Village and Pillage but also Quality of Life

The Minecraft 1.14 update came out recently, bringing with it an absolute ton of new things. The main themes of the update, as implied by the name Village and Pillage, are Villages and Pillagers. With villages spawning everywhere, there are now Pillagers to go alongside Illagers all eager to attack the Villagers. And villages themselves have a lot more going for them, with a ton of new blocks, new village looks and things like that. There is even a new raid system you can stumble into if you accidentally kill a banner-carrying Pillager then go to a village. But honestly… [Continue Reading]

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