The KID A MNESIA digital exhibition

To celebrate 21 years of music, namely Kid A and Amnesiac, the band Radiohead have done something pretty cool. They’ve gone and commissioned a digital exhibition, showcasing both the art and the music of their two albums. How Radiohead have done this though is pretty damn cool. They made a 3d digital world in which you can experience Radiohead’s art, both in drawings and music. It’s an… interesting experience KID A MNESIA is a strange thing. It has pretty standard and simple controls – all you can really do is walk around and occasionally sprint. Meanwhile, everything just sort of… [Continue Reading]

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Prime Parts and Regal Aya

As part of the run up to the New War, we’re suddenly getting a whirlwind of different surprises. The most notable one is the Prime Resurgence, a new way of obtaining not just vaulted weapons and Warframes, but their armour and other cosmetics too. By visiting an old Dax in Maroo’s Bazaar, getting a missing Primed Warframe is a lot easier. A new currency has appeared, called Aya, which can be found in the Void and in bounties, and you can trade Aya for various Prime Warframes The shop rotates on a weekly basis, starting with Mag and Nova Prime,… [Continue Reading]

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5 More Short, Free, Low-Poly Horror Games That Are Worth Playing

My last two articles on short, free, low-poly horror games published in August and September. And now the finale is publishing in November, meaning I completely missed the correct month for spooky articles. Oh well! Even if it’s a bit out-of-season, I think you’ll still enjoy these bite-sized tidbits of terror: 1. The Whitetail Incident The Whitetail Incident was definitely my favorite game to play on this list. Not the least of which because you get a shotgun! The player character is a ranger searching for a coworker who went missing while responding to a camper’s SOS. Accompanying you is… [Continue Reading]

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Forsaken Forsaken

After a long time of putting it off, I finally played the Forsaken quest. I’d kinda ignored it for a bit, despite having Forsaken gifted to me. At the time, I was more worried about finishing the season pass I had paid for. So I left most quests to the side. Unfortunately though, once I beat the season pass, I swiftly realized that I needed to finish the Forsaken quest. Because it will soon no longer exist. So I played Forsaken. It was fun. A simple quest about revenge, mostly. I played some of the quests alone and some with… [Continue Reading]

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Arty Boosts in Group Confidence

When I was small, one of my favourite TV shows was Art Attack. As the name suggests, it was an art show. However, Art Attack was aimed at kids, and many of the things featured were made out of stuff found around the house. With just a few pieces of card, one can easily make all sorts of things, from towers to space ships to monster-shaped bins. As I got older though, I gradually moved away from using cardboard and similar things from Art Attack. Aside from a brief period making Team Fortress 2 weapons out of cardboard, I found… [Continue Reading]

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My Favourite Bullet Hoses

I love a good bullet hose. A gun with a massive clip that shoots a torrent of bullets has always appealed to me. Said shower of bullets allows me to kill enemies I’d normally miss, and I can mow down common trash mobs with ease. A ‘Bullet Hose’ is a perfect name for any sort of gun that spews lead all over the place. Here are my favourite bullet hoses. Sweet Business Starting with Destiny 2, we have the Sweet Business. There are actually a few bullet hoses in Destiny 2, basically the Auto Rifle class of guns. A lot… [Continue Reading]

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Uncertainties with the Nintendo Switch

I’ve never really owned a handheld console before. The video game consoles I grew up with were all of the larger variety. My main consoles were the Playstation 2, which we bought on release, saving our pocket money. The Playstation 1 was played a lot as well. But we as a family didn’t get a new console until the Nintendo Wii came out. We only had a handful of games for the Wii, and the only one we played was Wii Sports. These days, I’m part of the PC Master Race. Well, I’m not, I play on a mediocre laptop.… [Continue Reading]

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On Writing Over 2000 Articles – Medic’s 2000th article

Writing articles is interesting. With a story, you can normally do what you like, and everything has a chronological order. Articles on the other hand aren’t always as chronological. Non-fiction stuff requires research and sources, and opinion pieces tend to need backing up in some way. Writing in general is somewhat like a magical path, with lots of potential ways to go. But writing is also pretty difficult. Taking the words in your head and putting them on paper can be a chore. And when it comes to writing consistently, it’s easy to get dissuaded and upset if you can’t… [Continue Reading]

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The Easy Way to Complete the K-Driven 1 Million Meters Achievement

I’m normally not someone who collects achievements. But for Warframe, after I hit True Master, I needed something to do. I had completed most challenges in the game and there was very little left to do. So, for some reason, I turned to Warframe’s achievements on Steam. As soon as I did that, I realized that I had a monumental task ahead of me. I needed to travel over 1 million meters on my K-Drive. 1,000,000m. And so far, since Fortuna came out, three years ago nearly, I’d only managed 10% of that. Barely made a dent in it. But… [Continue Reading]

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A Random Chat About A Scan

The other day, I experienced something new. On my doctor’s request, I went to a radiology clinic to get an MRI done. In fact, this MRI was so unusual and new to me, that I feel it’s worth talking about. For those who don’t know, an MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) is a way of viewing and inspecting inside your body. You basically sit in a giant magnet while radio waves bounce around, generating a view of inside your own body. While X-rays are normally used for bones and the like, an MRI is used to view our more squishy organs.… [Continue Reading]

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