I knew this would happen. Just as I’m getting my teeth into an update for one of my favourite games, my other favourite games all get updates and news as well. In this case, while the Plains of Eidolon came out on Thursday 12th, here we are not even a week later with Jungle Inferno, that update we’ve been waiting for. After more than a fucking year. And amazingly, it’s a multi-day update. Something we haven’t seen properly since the Uber Update. Which was back in 2014… no… 2013? Er… A really fucking long time ago. I suppose that’s what… [Continue Reading]

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Wait, what, Team Fortress 2 turns 10 round about today?

You’re kidding me, right? Team Fortress 2, that silly war-themed hat simulator? That game with the goofy classes and even goofier weapons and cosmetics, is ten years old? Seriously? Well according to Team Fortress 2’s Steam Store page, yes, it is. October 10th, 2007. A whole decade ago. Bloody hell. That’s a pretty long time. Okay, it’s not really that long in the grand scheme of things. After all, I’m twenty five years old at the time of writing. The real TF2 Medic, if he were actually real, would probably be in his 80’s at least. Although the real Medic… [Continue Reading]

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Shadow Warrior free on Humble Bundle until July 23rd

Shadow Warrior: Special Edition is currently 100% absolutely free on Humble Bundle for the next day or so, and you can get it here. As well as the base game, you also get the official Shadow Warrior soundtrack, a digital art book and two unique weapons – a Serious Sam 3 sledgehammer and a Hotline Miami katana. It’s a first person shooter and hack-and-slash game with a somewhat loud-mouthed, over-excited protagonist, if the trailer is to be believed. The game appears to have that Serious Sam vibe, with a pinch of Saints Row style over the top gangstas evil corporations,… [Continue Reading]

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Killing Floor is Free on Humble Bundle Store Until June 24th

The Co-op scary-mutant-monster-zombie shooting game Killing Floor is currently free on Humble Bundle Store for a limited time – until June 24th! The game is available both to own and as a gift you can email to your friends. It requires having a Humble Bundle website account to access, and the game key is sent to your email address and added to your account. The key is a free Steam key and must be redeemed before 10am Pacific Time (6pm GMT) July 8th, otherwise your free game is forfeit. Killing Floor is, at least in my opinion, a cross between… [Continue Reading]

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Outland Free on Steam Until June 8th!

Thanks to MysticTheMeemM for finding this one! Outland is a third-person platformer where the player “uses powers of light and dark in an epic journey to save the world from forces of chaos”, to quote the Steam page. I haven’t played it, I’m actually at work and this article is more of a thought experiment to see if I can successfully write and publish an article entirely from my smart phone during my lunch break. Hope you get your money’s worth!

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Last Goodbyes

Today, Monday the 5th of June 2017, is the day SPUF dies. No one will ever be able to post ever again. Today’s article contains the goodbye notes from various SPUFers throughout the ages, serving as a goodbye to the forum some of us have spent years posting on. For some SPUFers, it was just a place to hang out, for others, it was a source of inspiration, for others still, it was full of advice and nice, community things. Either way, SPUF was a great place and it’s a shame to see it go. “SPUF had a good run… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch Goes to the Moon

Two days ago, everybody got really excited when the Blizzard Twitter account posted a link to this not-so-cryptic page shedding some lore on the Horizon moon base that Winston grew up in. Well, Blizzard didn’t make us wait long before revealing that the clues point to a new map set on this abandoned moon base! I’m super excited to play this. A few people are grumbling about it being a 2CP map (Volskaya and Hanamura being two of the most stalemate-inducing maps in the game), but Jeff took care to mention in his developer update that that focused on making the… [Continue Reading]

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SPUFpowered – A SPUF Away From SPUF

With SPUF’s death, the community has been exploring its options for continuing on some other site. Posters from the Off Topic SPUF section are meeting up on their Steam Group, others are discussing the situation on SCUD and reddit, and we from TF2 have mostly been congregating on r/SPUF, though it’s really intended as more of a temporary “what do we do now” hub while we find a better place. A better place to keep our community going is SPUFpowered, a forum filled with old SPUF regulars who have existed in their shadowy little corner of the internet for years now.… [Continue Reading]

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SPUF is Kill

Maybe it’s a false alarm, maybe somebody somewhere hit the wrong button, maybe it’s a late April Fools’ joke. But right now, our beloved Steam User Forums redirects to SCUD. Update: According to Ianskate, SPUF moderator, it’s official, SPUF is gone. This happened extremely recently (I was surfing SPUF a few minutes before it stopped letting me) and it’s something people have kinda maybe vaguely suspected might happen at some point, but not really because Valve has loads of money and there were at least a few thriving communities, such as the TF2, Dota 2, CSGO and Off-Topic forums. SCUD even… [Continue Reading]

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Alan Wake Is Getting Removed From Steam

Alan Wake is one of my favorite games of all time, as evidenced by the number of articles that reference it despite me never explicitly dedicating one to it or its sequel Alan Wake’s American Nightmare.  The story-driven narrative is exciting and suspenseful, with a cast of memorable characters and a plot that feels like living through a Stephen King novel, interspersed with Twilight Zone-style twists and framed around a flashlight-based combat system that never lets you fully feel in control of the situation. Well, if you’re hoping to buy Alan Wake for yourself, don’t dally because at the end of this weekend… [Continue Reading]

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