Assassinating and being hard to kill…

Power in TF2 comes from killing people. You kill your enemies then push forward. But there will always be someone waiting in the shadows to push against you. An Engineer. A Medic with Uber. A Sniper. A camping Heavy. A Demoman and his stickies. You need to take them out, but can’t afford to split up your team and waste men. How? Assassins. Alternatively, you need to quickly take out that Carry? Kill them nice and fast before they ace your team? There’s an answer for that too. Assassins. Ass-ass-ins, if you are that way inclined. What is an assassin?… [Continue Reading]

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Character Annihilation 2 – Critical

Character Annihilation is a series of short stories based on the people of SPUF. Today’s story features Vintage Keith, or just Keith (whose tagline should be “My name is Keith. Vintage Keith”). Engineer enthusiast, builder of sentries, Shotgun terror and a somewhat rather unwilling Demoman. Keith tapped his foot impatiently. Bastards. Bastards the lot of them. Making him wait around like this. Keith just wanted to dick around and have some fun, but no, he had to wait here, for further instructions. They were all bastards. Everyone’s a bastard. Why was he doing this again? Oh yeah, he signed up… [Continue Reading]

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Medic’s Fifth Ever Competitive Match – 404 Medic not Found

No, seriously. What just happened? I have no idea. Week 6’s match was absolutely all over the place. I’ve decided, I’m not actually going to attempt to describe it. I don’t think I can. It was mental. Insane. Crazy. I don’t know any more! So instead of trying to make something coherent from that match, I’m just going to go over all the good bits. But first off, self-loathing! Turns out, I suck at every class but Medic, and I really need to play more Demoman, because sticky bombs and the Pain Train are the best weapons ever. Maybe try… [Continue Reading]

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Medic’s Fourth Ever Competitive Match – Things Get Exciting!

So yes, this time, I actually have something to report! An actual close match! This one was really close, and at one point it looked like it was all over for us. A quick note first. The last two games, I didn’t really go into detail. Not because we lost, not at all. It’s just there’s not much to write about when you get steam rolled. And admittedly, if it wasn’t for the excitement of my first ever match, I wouldn’t have written about Stallone either. Anyway, let’s get started! The map this time was Maple Ridge, a KOTH map,… [Continue Reading]

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Why the New Loch and Load is Pure Evil

The Loch ‘n’ Load. SPUF has always had a love-hate relationship with this weapon. It was loved for being able to kill sentries and how it was less spammy than its default brother, but at the same time hated because it could kill light classes with a single shot, while still being somewhat worse than stock in most situations. This weapon was changed in the Demoman update of Smissmas 2014, where the Loch ‘n’ Load was changed and has remained this way ever since. The Loch ‘n’ Load was a weapon which traded half of the stock grenade launcher’s four barrel clip size and rollers in… [Continue Reading]

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5 Ways to Deal Damage with the Jumpers

What’s the first stat of the Rocket/Sticky Jumper that pops into your head? Probably -100% damage. But it turns out that these weapons have actually had a number of ways to bypass the restriction and deal the damage in weird ways. Some are fixed, some are not, all are here for your reading pleasure. 1. The Rocket Jumper could once hurt enemy Pyros: Who airblasted the rockets. This is probably the most famous one on this list. Supposedly this was fixed at some point, but it was never mentioned in any update patch notes so I didn’t notice when. 2.… [Continue Reading]

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Why I Love Demo

It’s February, the month of Valentine’s Day, so I’m gonna ramble on about the class that I love the most: The Demoman. I freakin’ love the Demo. So much. With a fiery, burning passion, that consumes my soul. I don’t play Demo because he puts out a massive amount of damage if used right, I play Demo because it’s a fun and unique experience. The high damage output is more of a product from effectively playing Demo. Not counting his melees, Demo is all projectile and no hitscan, so for the most part, you have to develop timing and tracking to play… [Continue Reading]

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How to make the Jumper weapons not useless

The Rocket Jumper and the Sticky Jumper. Two weapons originally meant for training, twisted and re-purposed into something terrifying. No sane person uses these weapons seriously, unless they just want to gimp themselves. Fewer people still actually use these for any sort of training or practice, since it’s generally better to train with a real explosive weapon. There’s even better options available for Soldier, in the form of the Gunboats. Actually, to be fair, most of the hatred ends up going towards the Rocket Jumper, since, with the Sticky Jumper, you still have a perfectly usable grenade launcher to kill… [Continue Reading]

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Passive abilities

TF2 doesn’t feel like a game with a lot of passive abilities. There are few obvious ones, such as the scout’s double-jump and the Pyro’s afterburn immunity, but when you look into things, it turns out that almost every class has at least one. First of all, its debatable whether “more than 125 health” counts as a passive ability. Even though its pretty clearly the baseline for TF2, some people might consider speed and health a form of statistics instead of abilities. It’s also debatable whether any ability that requires equipping a weapon would count, like “can remove sappers” or… [Continue Reading]

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Demoknight classification revisited

Ever since the War! update there have been Demomen who decided to equip a shield instead of their trusty Stickybomb Launcher. Over the years new shields were added, as well as new secondaries and melees designed to be used with shields. New playstyles have developed and some people use shields on a day-to-day basis. Since the addition of shields I’ve seen many Demomen using a shield, often in very different ways. In this article I’ll attempt to provide a classification of shield-using Demomen. The Grenade Knight First of all there’s the Grenade Knight. This is a Demoman who uses their… [Continue Reading]

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