May 10th – 17th

Remember when last week I expressed disbelief that Valve cranked out so many patches the week after so many big updates? Well, apparently Valve waits two weeks to take some time off, because this is the week where not much happened. In fact, in TF2’s eight years of existence, only four of those years had updates during this week. 2010 saw the inclusion of a few tweaks to the new crafting system. The gunboats were flagged as a Soldier secondary, and the crafting requirements for tokens was reduced to only two items of the same class. This made tokens actually… [Continue Reading]

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A potential future story

The photo on the wall stared back at him, just like it had done every other time he’d stared at it. It was the only picture he had kept when he fled America and rushed back to his home land. The picture itself was old and tattered, but the scene embedded in it still shined as if it was taken yesterday. In it stood nine men, all of different shapes, sizes, ages and nationalities. They were all cheering and waving and holding bottles of beer. He couldn’t remember who took the picture, but he remembered how much of a pain… [Continue Reading]

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Fighting Back against those Metal Bastards!

Mann VS Machine is nice. It’s a twist on normal gameplay, where you can make yourself an ultra strong monster of a mercenary, while defending a hole in the ground from a horde of robot monsters. Normally, you’re defending a control point from the enemy mercenary team, who are approximately the same strength as you, unless you’ve gone and stacked 7 sentries and a bunch of Demomen on Snakewater Last. The thing is though, Mann VS Machine is RED defending from BLU, because Gray’s robot army is weirdly tinted blue. So where is our game mode where BLU attacks RED,… [Continue Reading]

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4 More Reasons to Bind a Key to Suicide

Never thought I’d find another quartet of justifications to click a button and shuffle off one’s mortal coil, but it turns out dropping dead on the spot has more combat uses than I thought. And no, ‘cheating your way out of a Holiday Punch tauntkill or Rock-Paper-Scissors loss’ isn’t on the list. People who do that are insultingly lacking in sportsmanship. Reason 5: Give health to your teammates as Scout.  Remember the Candy Cane? Some of wish we didn’t. But it has a little-known use for the scout literally willing to die for his teammates; when you hit the suicide button… [Continue Reading]

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March 25th – March 31st

This week gets the new record for ‘least-updated week in TF2’. Eight years of TF2 updates and a grand total of two fall under this set of seven days. I remember where I was on the day of March 28 2012, and that’s because it was the day Valve added strange parts to TF2. (For those of you interested, I was being driven home from soccer practice and checking the TF2 blog on my phone). Pyro got a new backpack bodygroup in preparation for the new Scrap Pack promo, the Cozy Camper was added to Medieval mode after a week of SPUF… [Continue Reading]

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Taking the Fight to the Robots

When is Valve going to add offensive MvM missions? Ever since the amazing opening trailer showed BLU and RED uniting against a common foe, I’ve been wanting to see the other half of Mann Co’s defenses getting in on the action. And I know I’m not the only one. It’s not even particularly difficult to come up with the method of gameplay. One way or another, it’ll probably involve BLU team delivering a bomb to robot factories or other tactically-beneficial targets that are guarded by robots with a slightly redder hue. Most people seem to think the bomb should be… [Continue Reading]

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A Shotgun Update

I adore the Team Fortress 2 shotgun. Sturdy, reliable, and intuitive, it’s the only weapon shared by four different classes and until the BASE Jumper was added, the only weapon to occupy different slots on different classes. I consider the shotgun TF2’s tenth signature weapon due to its ubiquity and recognizability. There is a sort of elegance in the fact that Valve has never added any sort of reskin or retexture for the shotgun. Every player since 2007 who’s wanted to make use of its six-clip buckshot backup has used the same simple gun; no golden, festive or botkiller variants… [Continue Reading]

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They’re telling you something.

Back in my day, I used to play Arena Mode 22/7. If I wasn’t playing Arena Mode, I was busy killing donators on a 24/7 Saigns Junction server, because I had no life and no friends and dominating a guy with infinite ammo and double jumps with a stealthy ninjaneering sentry was amusing to me. I’ve gone on about this so damn often that I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to kick me in the head. Believe me, I often want to kick myself in the head. But over time, the Arena servers died. The only ones left are… [Continue Reading]

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A Beginner’s Guide to Classes in Mann vs Machine

Mann vs Machine first launched in August of 2012, and since then, I’ve been completely hooked. Team Fortress 2 has always been an on-and-off sort of game for me, but I don’t think there’s ever been a point in time when I went cold turkey on this game mode. Cooperating with teammates to accomplish a task has always been endearing for me, whether it be against other players or faceless robots dictated by their simple, robot tendencies. Of course, jumping into a game with five people you don’t know can be problematic toward teamwork, especially when the six of you… [Continue Reading]

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Why you shouldn’t demoknight in MVM

As an enthusiast of the demoknight well past the joysticking days who knows the strengths and weakness of our beloved and equally loathed pick subclass; I can say that the knight subclassing is based on the sole fact that the playstyle preys on on the variable that is human perception. Humans are flawed- Many of us are sluggish compared to robots, we are easily distracted and often inebriated. We are big dumb stupid apes who require fuel, rest and shelter to contribute to an overall well being. We aren’t well oiled, finely tuned machines that can home in right away… [Continue Reading]

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