A Medi Gun for every situation

When you play Medic, everyone’s relying on you. In the competitive scene, people rely on you even more. They scrutinize you, right down to your weapon choice. What Medi Gun you take will make or break a game. Assuming they’re allowed, since both the Quick Fix and the Vaccinator are currently unfavourable for numerous reasons. Not because they’re both bad… But anyway, that’s beside the point. With any normal Medi Gun, you’re stuck with it until you die. If you pick the wrong Medi Gun for the situation, you screw up everything. So what if there was a Medi Gun… [Continue Reading]

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Why the Rocket Jumper is Bad for Tf2

Yes I know we have all seen Star_ and other Youtube celebrities stomp upon the lowest of pubs with this weapon, but those tend to be highlight clips. The Rocket Jumper is a weapon that completely removes your ability to deal ranged explosive damage as a Soldier, you can no longer take out sentries, you can’t properly defend a Medic, and overall you cannot do anything to support your team. But at least you can jump around to your heart’s content while the rest of your team actually gets work done. Why does this weapon even exist you may ask?… [Continue Reading]

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Grappling Hooks would be balanced in Medieval Mode

Grappling hooks would be balanced in Medieval Mode. Seriously. Alright, why are we discussing this? Why bother considering balance in a stupid game mode? Why bother discussing Medieval Mode at all? Because 1. it’s fun and 2. it’s currently a very one-sided game mode because the only classes with mobility are Scout and Demoman, and the only classes with range are Medic and Sniper. Of course, Medieval Mode’s one single official map doesn’t help. It has giant walls. Really high walls. The RED team are locked up safe inside until they venture outside, and once they do, there’s no way… [Continue Reading]

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Weapons that Reward you for doing your Job

Within Team fortress 2 there are quite a few weapons that people claim are imbalanced because “they reward you for doing what you should already be doing”. Of course I do not understand how this is a bad thing, how is rewarding players for accomplishing something they are supposed to do as a bad thing? Would you rather valve release weapons that encourage not doing your job? He says, angrily looks at the Rocket Jumper. One of the most notorious of these weapons is the Diamondback, a revolver that grants in critical hits for every sapped building and backstab kill… [Continue Reading]

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Demoknight classification revisited

Ever since the War! update there have been Demomen who decided to equip a shield instead of their trusty Stickybomb Launcher. Over the years new shields were added, as well as new secondaries and melees designed to be used with shields. New playstyles have developed and some people use shields on a day-to-day basis. Since the addition of shields I’ve seen many Demomen using a shield, often in very different ways. In this article I’ll attempt to provide a classification of shield-using Demomen. The Grenade Knight First of all there’s the Grenade Knight. This is a Demoman who uses their… [Continue Reading]

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Return of the Beta

So 2014 was the year of the Beta. Or at least the return of the Beta. What Beta you ask? The Team Fortress 2 Beta. The birthplace of the Detonator. The testing grounds of the Overdose. That really weird thing that everyone ignored. Well, part of it is back. Interesting things lie ahead. The TF2 Beta though died a long time ago. I have a screenshot of its one year death day somewhere. But the reasons it died were relatively clear. Instead of being part of TF2, you had to download another 12GB of TF2 Beta, most of which sat… [Continue Reading]

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What was up with those Alien Promos?

Valve did a pretty weird thing with the Alien: Isolation promos, what with those stat-changing qualifiers that relied on Halloween-restricted cosmetics. It was certainly a cool idea, I guess, not that I really got the chance to try them out. I didn’t pre-order the game and they didn’t become tradeable until people had long stopped wearing them. I’m honestly not even sure if it was fair of Valve to release them as promos. They were stat-changing promos, and Valve traditionally doesn’t do that since people (like me) who actually want to try the things out would appreciate a realistic chance of… [Continue Reading]

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Why the Gibus died

The Ghastly Gibus is the hat of the new player. The newbie. The n00b if you’re feeling cruel. For many people, whether they played before the Uber Update or after, the Ghastly Gibus was often their first hat, or at least one of their early ones. Yet the Ghastly Gibus has become a much rarer sight these days. Odd. Being an achievement hat, you can assume that almost everyone but the newest players has a Gibus, whether it’s the classic first level Gibus or the Ghostly Gibus or the Ghastliest Gibus. The Gibus is unique in being one of the… [Continue Reading]

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The Lost Art of Flagrunning

This article is going to take the same pensive tone of the similarly-themed “The Art of the Backcap“, except whereas backcapping isn’t completely lost, flagrunning by and large is completely absent from TF2 in the game’s current incarnation. It was largely dead from the getgo. Flagrunning is the act of playing with one objective in mind; reaching the enemy’s flag, grabbing it, and getting it as close as you can to your team’s capture zone before you die. It may sound odd for me to claim such a simplistic act is completely gone from TF2 (after all, matches do end… [Continue Reading]

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A Different Gamechanger

Dedicated healers in games generally get the short end of the stick. Whether it’s having to rely on the skill of your team mates or your inability to keep up, being a healer is generally a thankless job, hence why many games go with the Combat Medic, someone who can heal but can also look after themselves, capable of surviving in a one on one fight just like anyone else. Turning back to the Team Fortress 2 Medic, he seems a tad out of line. A designer at Riot, the company behind League of Legends, once argued that it’s no… [Continue Reading]

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