Sham1 talks gaming : Tetris

All right, time for everyone to take their ushankas, go to the Red Square and start calling each other with the word “comrade” as we are gonna talk about a Soviet hit game, Те́трис.   History of Tetris Tetris originates from the east-side of the Iron Curtain in 1984, a 28-year-old Alexey Pajitnov along with his colleagues at the Moscow Computer center created a game for the Russian computer Elektronika 60 called Те́трис (screenshot below). Soon after, Alexey and his colleagues Dmitry Pavlovsky and Vadim Gerasimov made a version of the game for the IBM PC and after the port the game became very… [Continue Reading]

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Let’s talk about the Sun on a Stick

The Sun-On-A-Stick is a very queer weapon. It was released alongside the Sharpened Volcano Fragment when RIFT came along, and it’s remained fairly unused ever since its first ever appearance. It’s not a sun on a stick at all, more like a wonderfully crafted ball of lava on a stick, certainly one of the more detailed and pretty weapons in TF2. Unfortunately for the Sun on a Stick though, it’s a victim of awful stats, rendering the poor thing nigh unused. Why? Well, it’s obvious really. The idea behind the Sun-On-A-Stick is simple. You team up with a Pyro to… [Continue Reading]

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A potential future story

The photo on the wall stared back at him, just like it had done every other time he’d stared at it. It was the only picture he had kept when he fled America and rushed back to his home land. The picture itself was old and tattered, but the scene embedded in it still shined as if it was taken yesterday. In it stood nine men, all of different shapes, sizes, ages and nationalities. They were all cheering and waving and holding bottles of beer. He couldn’t remember who took the picture, but he remembered how much of a pain… [Continue Reading]

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TF2 is not dying, but its spirit is tired…

Team Fortress 2 isn’t dying. It has had its ups and downs, but there’s still people playing this game and it’s still up there on Steam’s top ten played games. The game still works for the most part. It’s not dying at all. There are issues though. The problem is deeper than simply a game taking its last breaths. The spirit of Team Fortress 2 is ill. What do I mean by spirit? I mean the population of TF2. Its blood and mind. The community. The middle of the road people. People like you and me. Team Fortress 2 owes… [Continue Reading]

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How to improve User/Moderator relationships

Ah, moderators. You can’t live with them and you can only live without them if you can endure vast amounts of flaming spam. Respect levels vary between forums, but moderators and users have never seen eye to eye. It’s an authority thing, and a tough nut to crack in the realms of the internet, the one place that doesn’t have a strict, 100% authority. But there are ways moderators and users alike can improve how they react to one another. But Medic, I hear you ask, what do you know about moderating? Well, I used to run a forum. Nothing… [Continue Reading]

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People need guidance…

People are stupid. We’re mindless drones who will do whatever the man tells us, unless it’s something dumb like telling someone to eat their own vomit. Most people will probably not go that far. But yes, people desperately need direction, because they’re often too dumb to work things out. It’s almost certainly the case in TF2. Like every other Free To Play game out there, Team Fortress 2 has its fair share of blatant idiots who refuse to learn. It also has a lot of geuine newbies who have no idea what they’re doing, because they are, in fact, new… [Continue Reading]

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So about that competitive matchmaking stuff…

At the same time all that crap was going on with Skyrim and its workshop, it turns out that B4nny (a.k.a the most popular Demoman ever) and a bunch of buddies went to visit Valve to ask about Team Fortress 2. After a tough journey, much hard work and a vast amount of sweat, blood, tears and over-exaggeration, it turns out that some of the things this crew of popular mercs asked for are actually happening. The biggest part? Talks of competitive TF2 matchmaking. Now, of course, everyone was happy. The TF2 community, the older and wiser part of it,… [Continue Reading]

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Character Annihilation 6 – Burning Togetherness

Today, we do something different. It is very hard writing stories about people I really don’t know, so I’m going to put a bunch of you together. It’s not bias, I simply didn’t ask for enough information in my Character Annihilation SPUF thread. In this episode of Character Annihilation, you all get thrown into a blender. In the immortal words of the Heavy, YOU ARE DEAD. Not big surprise.

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