Spicing Up Medieval Mode

Who remembers Medieval Mode? It’s hard to forget it, what with its unique premise, acceptable breaks from its own premise and a game balance that I don’t think anyone truly understands. But I’ve been having trouble finding populated Medieval servers, and this saddens me because for what its got, I enjoy the balance between the classes. But I think there are definitely some things that could improve the game mode. At the core of things, it could really do with some more content. Right now it suffers from a limited version of Territorial Control-syndrome, where the mode concept is fine… [Continue Reading]

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Demoman got nerfed, but FAIRLY this time! – Smissmas 2014

After EotL, there wasn’t much hope in the TF2 community. But Valve brought a small amount of hope back with the 2014 Smissmas update. And what did it contain? Those promised Demoman changes from the Love and War update! You all remember that, right? The changes that broke him and made Engineers run rampant that they thankfully reversed? This time round, Valve actually thought about it AND listened to the community! First off, here’s the patch notes. I warn you now, it’s a biggie! All Players who play TF2 during the event will receive a Gift: a Stuffed Stocking! Stockings… [Continue Reading]

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Things TF2 still really needs

I wrote an article about things that Team Fortress 2 lacks before and none of those things got added, as far as I recall. In Valve’s eyes, I simply don’t exist unless I’m sorting out my brother’s stuff after he got phished. And even then it took a week for Steam Support to sort things out. So since Valve clearly doesn’t acknowledge my existence, here’s another list of things that Valve should add to TF2. Because why not? If you want, you can read the first article here. 1. Play testing before updates. The last few TF2 updates have been… [Continue Reading]

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They’re telling you something.

Back in my day, I used to play Arena Mode 22/7. If I wasn’t playing Arena Mode, I was busy killing donators on a 24/7 Saigns Junction server, because I had no life and no friends and dominating a guy with infinite ammo and double jumps with a stealthy ninjaneering sentry was amusing to me. I’ve gone on about this so damn often that I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to kick me in the head. Believe me, I often want to kick myself in the head. But over time, the Arena servers died. The only ones left are… [Continue Reading]

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Poker Night At Teufort

Poker Night at the Inventory was a great game, wasn’t it? Well, I liked it. I never got around to winning the achievement items, because I lose concentration on a game really quickly if it isn’t Garry’s Mod these days, but it was fun. The best bit was the dialogue. The conversation the other players, in this case Max, Strong Bad, Heavy and whatshisname all chatting away, talking about their day to day lives, sometimes throwing in the odd joke or random bit of nonsense as they go along. Lovely, right? Unfortunately, I never got around to getting the second… [Continue Reading]

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Gunslingers vs. Highlanders V results!

Season 5 of Gunslinger vs Highlander has come and gone, and once again SPUF’s longest-lasting circuit has surprised everyone with a Highlander sweep. After securing pl_swiftwater by preventing the Gunslingers from capping second and then capping first in fewer seconds, Highlander secured the midpoint and pushed all the way into last, winning 3 times in a row for best 3/5. While this technically ended the event, both teams decided to play koth_ashville anyway, and here’s where the matches really got close. Several could have gone either way, but ultimately Team Highlander won the first three matches, taking king-of-the-hill and becoming… [Continue Reading]

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TF2Kart – Racing Madness!

Did Scream Fortress’ bumper cars get you yearning for more Team Fortress karting madness? InstantMuffin from GotSticed, the developer of PropHunt TNG we interviewed a few months ago, has announced his newest TF2 mod, which is all about racing up to 15 other players in frantic laps around a custom track. There are pickups which allow you to fire rockets, drop bananas or give yourself a speed boost. I like to time my speed boost right before a huge jump and see how much air time I can clock. The server fills up quick, but that’s all the more reason to try it out! 16 bumper cars… [Continue Reading]

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Scream Fortress 6 is here!

Yep, Scream Fortress is here! And it’s really bloody insane. There’s spells! And curses! And Carnival stuff! And BUMPER CARTS! Yeah, seriously. Alright, first things first, the basics. Merasmus forgot to build his evil carnival on top of an ancient burial ground and is now hiring you to do that for him. Said carnival is actually a variant of SD_Doomsday. You get the tickets (not the Australium) to the giant lift and then you get sent to a bumper carts minigame. That’s pretty much it. Actually, it’s not, but we’ve got a ton of articles coming up about all this!… [Continue Reading]

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A couple of reasons to play TF2 around about now

I know the feeling. You kinda want to maybe play Team Fortress 2 but you just can’t bring yourself to click on the play button. Or maybe you’ve just grown bored of the game. Or maybe you haven’t played in ages and are just looking for a reason to come back. Well, good news everyone! This article should help you find the strength to press play and start kicking (or healing) ass! Reason the First There’s tons of hats. Tons. Tons and tons and tons. The last two years alone have doubled the number of hats you can wear. And… [Continue Reading]

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Team Fortress 2 update, 25/09/14

I’ll be honest, I’m really impressed with the constant updates lately. The content of the updates is always hit and miss, no matter how regular they are, but the speed of these TF2 updates compared to what we’ve had most of this year. Big content updates though, we’re skill kinda lacking. But at least we’ve got keys now for the limited summer crates. First things first, here’s the actual update notes: An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Added Limited Late Summer… [Continue Reading]

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