The Sensible SPUFer

“Come on, Medic, it’ll be fun!” aabicus tried to convince the busy doctor. “Everyone’s going out trick or treating! Why won’t you?” Medic had been ignoring the gaggle of SPUFers behind him for about an hour now and they still hadn’t got the hint. He was still having flashbacks to last Halloween, when he let his brother borrow his lab coat and an old, broken medi-pack, and won a costume contest. Everyone called him a Ghostbuster. Meanwhile, no one had recognized Medic, wearing a grey suit and a paper mask, and he’d spent the evening protecting his sister from a… [Continue Reading]

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Upcoming Overwatch and Payday Halloween events!

Today was a big day for gaming announcements! Over on the Payday subreddit, players were able to discover leaks suggesting that new weapons, DLCs, heisters, maps, and difficulties were coming to Payday 2. Yes, that’s right, new difficulties. ‘Mayhem’ will be between Overkill and Deathwish, and ‘One Down’ is going to be the new hardest difficulty in the game.  While its name suggests that players will only be allotted one incapacitation before going into custody, we don’t know much more than that. Hopefully it comes with some balance tweaks beyond just that. And today the official announcement finally went live: Safehouse… [Continue Reading]

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Sometimes simple is nicer

I own an unusual hat. It’s a bubbling Team Captain, which I can wear for my three most played classes: Medic, Soldier, Heavy. Out of all those classes though, only one of them wears the hat all the time, my fancily dressed Heavy. Neither Medic nor Soldier wear their unusual hats all the time. They wear other stuff though. What cosmetics? I forget. I’ve gone through various styles over the years. As Medic coats became more common cosmetics, I went through a phase of picking a coat to match whatever map I was playing on. Normal coat for places like… [Continue Reading]

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Scream Fortress is here!

Scream Fortress has arrived! And technically it’s brought a new stupid event with it! Valve have somewhat kept up with its promises and has announced a bunch of community stuff. Although once again they have completely and utterly failed to scare us to death. Like Gun Mettle but not at all like Invasion (which will be ending soon), they’ve gone ahead with the contract system, this time called the Scream Fortress Gargoyle. Not the greatest name, but gargoyles are cool so I don’t mind. This time though, rather than weapon skins, you get items from previous events or a chance… [Continue Reading]

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Scream Fortress has been somewhat cancelled, for good or bad?

There’s been a new blog post over at Team and for some it brings good news, others not so good news. In it, the Team Fortress team explains how they’ve been busy working hard (and watering the potted plant for a change) and they mention some of the up coming things that they are working on. The TF team also explains how, because they’re working on all this new cool stuff, our yearly Halloween event has been cancelled. Scream Fortress has been a bit of a tradition for the last 5 years, starting off with modest Harvest_event and finishing… [Continue Reading]

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Pestilential Pumpkin Presents Part Two

“It’s pretty safe to bet that new cosmetics will have something to do with the next generation of presents, due to a “Scream Fortress 2014″ Workshop tag being the only clue we’d received up until the recent blog post, but for more specifics, we’ll have to wait and see. I just hope Valve’s execution doesn’t cause too many complaints.” ~aabicus, as Scream Fortress 2014 approached Valve’s execution caused many complaints. Honestly it was the worst possible interpretation of the present system yet. For those who weren’t there (or blanked the experience from their memory banks) Valve’s first clue as to how… [Continue Reading]

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The Stupidest Item Ever Added to TF2

The term “stupidest item ever added to TF2” is obviously one of the more subjective terms one could use to describe a thing. It’s so heavily dependent on personal experience, opinion, and bias that no item could truly just qualify without question as “the stupidest item ever added to TF2”. Which is why you may be surprised that there actually is an item that indisputably qualifies as the stupidest item ever added to TF2, and it’s not the one you’re thinking of. It’s not something overpowered. Overpowered weapons fill a role in TF2 by letting players who equip them perform better and thus… [Continue Reading]

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Halloween Capers

I hope Scream Fortress isn’t so stupid this year. Tradition has always had it that, for Halloween, the TF2 team gets together, waters the potted plant and actually comes up with somewhat new content. I say somewhat, the map we get is always a Halloween revamp of an old map, but the guessing game of what each year’s map will be is always amusing. Scream Fortress started with simple roots. The first map was Harvest, set under a bright moon, with a cute little ghost floating around, scaring and stunning people who got too close and making them easy prey… [Continue Reading]

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What was up with those Alien Promos?

Valve did a pretty weird thing with the Alien: Isolation promos, what with those stat-changing qualifiers that relied on Halloween-restricted cosmetics. It was certainly a cool idea, I guess, not that I really got the chance to try them out. I didn’t pre-order the game and they didn’t become tradeable until people had long stopped wearing them. I’m honestly not even sure if it was fair of Valve to release them as promos. They were stat-changing promos, and Valve traditionally doesn’t do that since people (like me) who actually want to try the things out would appreciate a realistic chance of… [Continue Reading]

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Why I like Helltower

In the days leading toward the sixth annual Scream Fortress event, Valve have been kind enough to give us easy access to past events. Yesterday I played on Helltower with two decent teams and, for the first time, some idea of what I was actually doing. My team lost, but it was fun anyway. I’ve seen enough articles about Hightower already. Personally I think it’s a rather boring map, good for training in propelled jumps and sniping but little else. Snipers can be so annoying. But the Helltower version? Much more interesting! I know people are complaining that Scream Fortress… [Continue Reading]

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