Competitive Demoknights

There has been a large deal of discussion regarding Demoknight as of recently, most of which stems from the recent changes to the Tide Turner, overall the Tide Turner got people to take Demoknight seriously as a both a threat and an ally. Now there are multiple competitive formats in TF2. First up, Highlander, which is a 9v9 format where classes are restricted to one of each class per team. Next we have the 6v6 format which supports up to two of a class, (excluding a few people, who are limited to one) and involves dual Scouts, Soldiers and a single… [Continue Reading]

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Randomness you can’t see…

It’s been a while since we last talked about randomness. Generally this sort of conversation dives to horrible depths, going over the same arguments over and over again until either one side gives in, it starts getting nasty or the thread goes off topic. Either way, the thread dies a horrible death. It keeps on happening. What’s interesting though is that the majority of these arguments are about random critical hits. The other random factors, random bullet spread and random damage spread, often lurk in the shadows, untouched. Why? With random bullet spread, there is rarely an argument for that.… [Continue Reading]

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Soldier is overpowered and we don’t care…

In any class-based video game, you generally have some form of balance. Agile classes come with a lack of health, while power classes exchange speed for pure power, with other classes scattered between them. So the idea of a mobile, strong ace of all trade class appears to spit in the face of all this. In any other game, people would say that Soldier is overpowered. What few consider is that he may actually be so. If you look at his base stats, Soldier does seem rather mundane. High health, low walking speed, high damage weaponry with average reload times.… [Continue Reading]

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Everyone needs to play more TF2Kart; the devs have added additional maps, powerups, and other cool things since it came out, and I personally can’t stop playing it. On the whole it’s a super simple pick-up game that needs no explanation, but I’ve learned a couple tricks to augment my playing. If you’re ready to take your karting skills to the next level, read on. Tip 1: Jump at the end of boost strips. Air velocity is maintained until you hit the ground again, meaning that you can get the most out of your boosts by being airborne when they… [Continue Reading]

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What I do when I’m not playing TF2 – TESV Skyrim

I don’t play TF2 24/7. That’d be silly. And I’d get very sick of the game after not very long. Yes, the person called Medic does play other games. Most of the time, I play a healing passive role. Throw me into Dota 2 and I’ll find the most passive champion around and play that. Same with League of Legends. Borderlands 2 is slightly different, I basically become a pure healing Siren or a bullet sponge. My Berserker (named Heavy, heh), currently has, what, 10k health? And he’s not even on True Vault Hunter Mode yet. But yeah, normally I’m… [Continue Reading]

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The Eureka Effect’s Wasted Potential

The Eureka Effect is one of the few weapons where a well intentioned buff turned out to be a complete nerf. For those of you who do not know the Eureka Effect is currently a wrench that allows you to teleport to your spawn and to your own teleporter exit. Now that may sound like a ninjaneers wet dream but in exchange for this potential mobility you lose 50% repair rate and 50% build rate, which makes you take over twice as long to build a sentry. Rather than the already slow 8 swings per upgrade, you are making a… [Continue Reading]

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A Run Down on This Year’s Festive Weapons

For the last few years, we’ve received Festive Weapons, weapons made pretty and Christmassy for the winter holidays. The first year, we got 9 stock weapons, the second year,we got 9 mostly unique weapons like the Huntsman and the Flare Gun, the third year we got 9 more unique popular weapons and this year, we got, um, 7 weapons. Yeah, some people missed out. The weapons this year were the following: Bonk! Atomic Punch, Shotgun, Backburner, Chargin’ Targe, Bonesaw, SMG and Revolver. A larger collection of stock weapons, at the expense of some classes not getting their own weapons and… [Continue Reading]

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Team Fortress Classic Should Go Free-to-Play

Team Fortress Classic, the predecessor to Valve’s most successful multiplayer FPS, has had a pretty decorated history itself. Released in 1999 as a Goldsrc port of the hugely popular Quake mod Team Fortress, it came bundled for free with Half-Life which granted it a large and prospering player base for years, a player base which stayed strong until 2007, when TF2 came out. At around the same time it received a $5 price tag, and as a result the community for this game has dwindled to near nonexistence. Whenever I try to play I can only find two servers that are reliably… [Continue Reading]

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Dem Choppas

This article is a shoutout to my favorite TF2 Mod; dem choppas. Who wants a plinky submachinegun when they can have the most famous assault rifle in world history? There are all sorts of reasons to use dem choppas. Reason 1: They’re dem choppas. There’s no other real reason. I mean, they’re choppas. I’ve wanted to write an article about dem choppas for a while now but I couldn’t think of anything meaningful to say. But now, we’re like three days behind on articles and I need something to write for yesterday but I don’t want to publish a real… [Continue Reading]

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Taking the Fight to the Robots

When is Valve going to add offensive MvM missions? Ever since the amazing opening trailer showed BLU and RED uniting against a common foe, I’ve been wanting to see the other half of Mann Co’s defenses getting in on the action. And I know I’m not the only one. It’s not even particularly difficult to come up with the method of gameplay. One way or another, it’ll probably involve BLU team delivering a bomb to robot factories or other tactically-beneficial targets that are guarded by robots with a slightly redder hue. Most people seem to think the bomb should be… [Continue Reading]

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