Passive abilities

TF2 doesn’t feel like a game with a lot of passive abilities. There are few obvious ones, such as the scout’s double-jump and the Pyro’s afterburn immunity, but when you look into things, it turns out that almost every class has at least one. First of all, its debatable whether “more than 125 health” counts as a passive ability. Even though its pretty clearly the baseline for TF2, some people might consider speed and health a form of statistics instead of abilities. It’s also debatable whether any ability that requires equipping a weapon would count, like “can remove sappers” or… [Continue Reading]

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Demoknight classification revisited

Ever since the War! update there have been Demomen who decided to equip a shield instead of their trusty Stickybomb Launcher. Over the years new shields were added, as well as new secondaries and melees designed to be used with shields. New playstyles have developed and some people use shields on a day-to-day basis. Since the addition of shields I’ve seen many Demomen using a shield, often in very different ways. In this article I’ll attempt to provide a classification of shield-using Demomen. The Grenade Knight First of all there’s the Grenade Knight. This is a Demoman who uses their… [Continue Reading]

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Beginner’s Guide to Loadouts in Left 4 Dead 2

It has come to my attention that very few people on TF2 SPUF play Left 4 Dead 2. This is a real shame because the game is very, very fun and in recent months I’ve found it consuming far more of my allotted game time than TF2 does. So I basically thought I’d just write a quick guide detailing two of my favorite loadouts in the hopes that this info might help you if you ever decide to pick the game up. Left 4 Dead 2 has a wonderful array of weaponry, and the best part is that all of it… [Continue Reading]

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What if Scout Got a Grenade Launcher?

Would you be interested in playing the Scout with the Grenade Launcher as your primary? Or perhaps the Loose Cannon for all you Force-a-Nature fans? It might seem a bit different at first, having to rely on explosives instead of hitscan, but I don’t doubt an enterprising player could find a way to make it work. I’ll stop beating around the bush. If you have any interest in playing a scout with a grenade launcher, try the Sticky Jumper. Several users on SPUF have been complaining (again) about the jumpers, claiming that they’re impossible to use efficiently and should be… [Continue Reading]

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TF2 receives first new Normal Quality item since 2007

I can’t be the only one who thinks there’s something elegantly ground-breaking in that simple, simple change during today’s double-update. To quote directly from the update notes: “Made the Spellbook Magazine a base action slot item for players to equip and use when playing on a server that uses Halloween Spells” For gameplay, this means that if you join a server that has spells enabled (which can be any server thanks to a new cvar, but also plr_hightower_event by default) and your action slot is empty, it’s autofilled with this: A very minor change, at the moment almost inconsequential. Valve clearly… [Continue Reading]

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The Perils of Posing in Garry’s Mod

Let’s just clarify right from the start that I am too stubborn and too dumb to use Source Film Maker. It runs poorly on my laptop and I just can’t get my head around it. Plus, I’m very much invested in Garry’s Mod now. The only reason I play TF2 is because I wanted Garry’s Mod and the cartoony shooter looked better than the serious shooter. Since that fateful day, I have been posing things in Garry’s Mod. All my pictures on this blog are from Garry’s Mod or are taken in-game in Team Fortress 2. Dekky does his images… [Continue Reading]

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How to Attract Medics and Influence People

As a Medic main, I’ve had a lot of experience with people who want me to heal and Uber them, and people who I want to heal/Uber but they don’t seem to notice. In this day and age of loadout versatility, it’s no longer enough to be playing the correct class in a situation; you need to have the correct weapons equipped before Medics are going to start considering you a viable Uber target. Here are some tips for those wishing Medics would consider Ubering them more often. These are listed by class, and only cover classes that are considered regular… [Continue Reading]

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5 Weapons that Synergize with the Bushwacka

1. Jarate Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about some more interesting pairs with everyone’s favorite (or least favorite) machete. It’s basically the Sniper default melee of choice these days, just because it’s the only Sniper melee with interesting stats. Even Valve agrees; the earliest ever strange Sniper crate contained a strange Bushwacka, whereas the Strange Kukri had to wait over two years later to exist. Maybe because even without jarate, you can still get the most out of your melee with: 2. The Cleaner’s Carbine: Ever since the stat adjustment where the weakest hitscan… [Continue Reading]

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A couple of things that TF2 really needs and still doesn’t have.

This is an old game. Valve have been working on TF2 for bloody years, and they’ve done a pretty good job, even if a lot of their choices make no sense. We whinge and complain about weapons and stuff, but even that sort of thing is rather, well, small. There’s far more things that are more important. “What’s your point, Medic?” I can hear all of you (yes, all three of you) asking. Well, how about we complain about the big things as well as the little things? Like the following stuff, which is in no particular order of significance.… [Continue Reading]

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A Silver Lining to the Stickybomb Launcher Nerf

As a fellow Team Fortress enthusiast, I’m sure I don’t need to remind you–the reader–about the controversial nerf to the Stickybomb Launcher from the recent Love & War update, nor the equally controversial reversion of said nerf. It became the subject of much debate and, unfortunately, heated and rather aggressive argument. Unless you had no opinion on the matter, this was a change that affected you. I’ll be frank with you: I didn’t support the nerf, and I was strongly in favor of the reversion. That’s not to say that I was adamantly against it; there were counterpoints from respected… [Continue Reading]

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