Some Under-loved Weapons Which Shine on rd_asteroid

When I first played rd_asteroid, my eventual thoughts were…meh. It’s decent, but before I really understood the map and the game mode it was confusing to the point of frustration. And once I’d played it long enough that it was no longer confusing, its many flaws just seemed to hamper my ability to enjoy myself. A whole lot of classes seem underpowered on this map and several design choices (especially the plethora of overly-good sentry spots) only make it worse. But the more I played, the more I slowly realized that a number of my problems were due to my… [Continue Reading]

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Why TF2 Should Be More Like Loadout

I’ve been picking up Loadout recently, and I’ve been having a blast, although I noticed that Loadout has a lot of elements TF2 has (mainly the fact that it has a LOT of spam, and revolves around mobility) but has implemented these elements a lot better: Number 1: Spam. Anyone who’s ever played Loadout knows that it has more grenade spam than TFC and more projectile spam than TF2x10 where everyone is using the Beggar’s Bazooka. And yet, Loadout‘s spam is much more enjoyable, why is that? 1.) Big fancy colored projectiles! In Loadout firefights often look like firework shows,… [Continue Reading]

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Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff

I’ve gotten some pretty funny comments about my Loadout cosmetics (or lack thereof) since my Loadout article went live. Some were wondering how I could justify spending $55 on in-game cosmetics, since unlike in TF2 I couldn’t possibly have prior backpack wealth to rely on. Am I one of those rich senator’s sons who can frivolously drop wads of cash like spy does in his newest taunt? Well, actually I sold almost my entire TF2 backpack to afford that birthday suit in Loadout, and I’m still selling most of what remains. So now I get to be nude in two different… [Continue Reading]

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Loadout Uncovered

Sometimes I get annoyed at how nobody in TF2 is a blanket generalist who has something to do in any situation. Sometimes I don’t want to rely on my teammates for crap, I just want to go be a versatile tanky health-regenerating speedster who laughs at the term “competitive weakness”. Once upon a time, I would then go play Team Fortress Classic and their combat Medic. Nowadays, I’m finding that Loadout has been scratching that itch for me instead. Loadout has done a great job of carving its own little niche out of the cartoony multiplayer FPS genre. (That really… [Continue Reading]

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Birthday/500th Post/3-Star SPUF Event: Stupid Class, Stupid map, 6v6 Tournament!

Well hello, fine ladies and gentlemen of SPUF! My name is danthefinn (DiabetoDan on Steam) and I’ve been lurking around these parts since 2012. To celebrate my upcoming 18th birthday, as well as my 500th post and 3-star status, I’m hosting a little event on my very own TF2 server at 1 PM EST on June 16th. This will be a 6v6 tournament- but nothing like the 6v6 you all know and (at least some of you) love. This tournament will played over a series of 5 maps, with a best of 3 win rule. These maps will be the… [Continue Reading]

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How to Impersonate Scout in Loadout

Loadout’s been one of those other games I’ve been getting into these days.  One of the main gimmicks is that you build your weaponry out of a bunch of gun parts and chassis, and shoot bad dudes on the other team in a way reminiscent of older twitch shooty games.   It’s actually a good bit of fun once you can get past some of the crude humor.  Today we are going to try and replicate a TF2 class and see if its any good in a completely different game.  Let’s make the scout. So what will we need?  First, a… [Continue Reading]

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Synergy In Every Medic Loadout Combination

Medic has very few unlocks, it’s true, but this really is because almost every niche he’d need filled is already in there somewhere. The lion’s share of discussion on this topic is dedicated to his secondary Medigun, but what about his options in primary and melee? Well, for a change of pace I thought I could cover every single available weapon combo in Medic’s Primary/Melee slots, how they synergize, and their viability and effectiveness as a combo. I’m leaving out the bonesaw because it should never be used ever. Crossbow/Amputator: If you’re going to use the Amputator, this is the… [Continue Reading]

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On Double- and Single-Barelled Shotguns

Not really TF2-related, but I thought I might take this opportunity to talk about a trend in shooters I’ve noticed. Loads of games seem to like giving you two shotguns, one of which is pretty much twice as good as the other. The Ur-Example is probably Doom II, which introduced as its only new weapon to the franchise a double-barrel shotgun, which was the first weapon in the game to have a clip you had to reload (which really cast an odd light on all the weapons in Doom I, I guess that pistol can carry 200 rounds without having… [Continue Reading]

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Why Scout Needs a Nailgun

In my article “5 Things I miss From Team Fortress Classic“, I gave the very first spot on the list to its nailgun. Every time I’m stuck as Scout seeing a sentry around a corner, but with no means of dealing with it myself, I wish Valve hadn’t taken my simple and easy way to get rid of that darn thing. The TFC nailgun is most comparable to the TF2 Syringe gun, with a major difference: no gravity falloff on the projectiles, meaning that they fly in a straight line forever like a rocket. This lets you deal basically a… [Continue Reading]

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