You should really try out the Scorch Shot

I’ve written about Pyro before (I’ve written about a lot of things before), but lately I’ve been playing him more and more, even outside of silly MvM matches. The Scorch Shot. The current secondary in my Pyro loadout. I’ve always considered Pyro to be the Anti Medic, but I know that opinion is wrong, because there’s a VAST amount of aiming required if you’re going to be able to actually set anyone on fire – flame projectiles have weird effects and can even just fuck you up for no reason. But while the similarities between Medic and Pyro are best… [Continue Reading]

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Stupidly Simple Fixes – Part 2

A note before I start: these are just ideas and thoughts, both my own and combined with other people’s thoughts, particularly SPUFers. Do me a favour and don’t take them as absolutes or anything. Should have put this at the top of the previous article, really. And probably should have published this before the Gun Mettle update, but oh well. Bad timing and all that. Still, I like my ideas better. Anyway, considering that Valve hasn’t really been doing much lately when it comes to balance changes, I’ve decided to take things into my own hands and try and fix… [Continue Reading]

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Could a “Flare Jumper” work?

Based on the Detonator of course, not the Flare Gun, though I prefer this name as “Detonator Jumper” is clunky and “Det Jumper” is unclear. This is almost certainly the most commonly-requested reincarnation of the orange-colored -100% damage concept, with the runner up probably being the Boston Jumper. (But seriously, why would you want to give up the best way to give your Medic Uber?) A lot of other people are understandably opposed to the idea, especially those who think the Jumpers we already have are useless enough. But I think it could work, especially if Valve drops the training… [Continue Reading]

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How to understand your Medic

Occasionally, a really good SPUF thread will pop up out of the blue. It’s up to us to keep these threads safe. One such thread is Understanding Your Medic by chibi_charon. While the thread covers the basics incredibly well, I felt it was worth expanding this concept a bit, especially since the thread is two years old. Although little has happened in that time, it’s always good to refresh people’s minds. Because I’m a sucker for homages, let’s stick to the question and answer thing. Here’s a bunch of ways to better understand your Medic buddies. Q. Why is my… [Continue Reading]

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Let’s talk about the Sun on a Stick

The Sun-On-A-Stick is a very queer weapon. It was released alongside the Sharpened Volcano Fragment when RIFT came along, and it’s remained fairly unused ever since its first ever appearance. It’s not a sun on a stick at all, more like a wonderfully crafted ball of lava on a stick, certainly one of the more detailed and pretty weapons in TF2. Unfortunately for the Sun on a Stick though, it’s a victim of awful stats, rendering the poor thing nigh unused. Why? Well, it’s obvious really. The idea behind the Sun-On-A-Stick is simple. You team up with a Pyro to… [Continue Reading]

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Character Annihilation 6 – Burning Togetherness

Today, we do something different. It is very hard writing stories about people I really don’t know, so I’m going to put a bunch of you together. It’s not bias, I simply didn’t ask for enough information in my Character Annihilation SPUF thread. In this episode of Character Annihilation, you all get thrown into a blender. In the immortal words of the Heavy, YOU ARE DEAD. Not big surprise.

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April 16th – 23rd

Taxes are due everybody! Hooray! If you’re anything like me, taxes are a long and laborious chore, and I’m even more qualified than most because I worked as a tax preparer for over a year. I’m only 24 for god’s sake, I’m supposed to be spack-dab in the middle of the part of your life where you look forward to cashing out your W-2s after work and buying a round of drinks with your refund. But the IRS is not a fan of entrepreneurs or freelancers turns out… But I digress. In the world of Team Fortress 2, taxes don’t appear… [Continue Reading]

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One Night on Orange

It was around 7:30 P.M, Eastern Time. I was bored and in need of something to waste a perfectly good evening. That I immediately started TF2 should come as no surprise. That evening, I was in a feisty mood. Upon entering the title screen and selecting “servers”, I entered the “crits” parameter. I was promptly presented with several servers. After some deliberation, I selected cp_orange. Who doesn’t like oranges? ‘Twas my first time on an allcrits server, and it wasn’t pretty. Shortstop Scouts, Enforcer Spies, and Sniping Snipers were several of the more frustrating opponents. After stints as Spy, Scout,… [Continue Reading]

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Where’s my Dragon Simulator?

When I’m not busy sticking syringes into Scouts and shoving modified fire hoses up people’s backsides, I like to think I’m a dragon. Dragons are such awesome creatures and because they don’t exist, anyone can imagine dragons to look however they want. Cool eh? A thread titled dragons on SPUF instantly grabbed my attention but left me disappointed. But one thing I have always felt this world lacks is a decent dragon simulator. There is currently a game called Dragon: The Game on Steam, but it’s so Early Access that it’s barely an alpha. And it costs €17. Fuck that.… [Continue Reading]

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Why I love the Pyro

Pyro is the class that I really should hate. Its combat potential is limited, it is by design the most annoying class in the game, and its flames straight-up halve my framerate. It’s almost universally despised by those at the upper tiers of competitive 6v6, my favourite TF2 gamemode. It’s a hodgepodge of ‘broken’ mechanics. And yet I’m saying it, right now: I love the Pyro class. Pyro has such a variety of useful unlocks that change your playstyle, whether you’re running degreaser/flare gun and critting everything that moves, degreaser/shotgun and having a useful close-mid range damage presence, or even… [Continue Reading]

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