The 600th Daily SPUF Article

It seems like five minutes ago that we published the 500th Daily SPUF Article. I actually lost track of time. Plus other awful things happened, which meant that the 600th article came quicker than I thought. The last 100 articles have been yet another wild ride. If you can call it that. So yeah. This is the 600th article. Woo. For the previous hundred post milestones, I’ve done contests. I was going to do a contest this time round, but contests are, well, kinda lame when you don’t have any time to prepare prizes or a theme for said contest.… [Continue Reading]

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Demoman got nerfed, but FAIRLY this time! – Smissmas 2014

After EotL, there wasn’t much hope in the TF2 community. But Valve brought a small amount of hope back with the 2014 Smissmas update. And what did it contain? Those promised Demoman changes from the Love and War update! You all remember that, right? The changes that broke him and made Engineers run rampant that they thankfully reversed? This time round, Valve actually thought about it AND listened to the community! First off, here’s the patch notes. I warn you now, it’s a biggie! All Players who play TF2 during the event will receive a Gift: a Stuffed Stocking! Stockings… [Continue Reading]

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Dearly Departed SPUFers

As I’m trapped on a 14-hour bus ride because I missed my 14-hour train ride and now have to grapple with the financial and physical discomfort this situation puts me in, I’ve been in something of a pensive mood. As my entertainment options have dwindled to draining the power on my no-internet laptop or observing the wonderfully repetitive West Virginian nature whizzing past the windshield, I thought I might take this opportunity to talk about some SPUFers who have disappeared as the years roll by. Obviously every forumite must disappear someday, I guess the most one can hope for is that they get to… [Continue Reading]

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Gunslingers vs. Highlanders V results!

Season 5 of Gunslinger vs Highlander has come and gone, and once again SPUF’s longest-lasting circuit has surprised everyone with a Highlander sweep. After securing pl_swiftwater by preventing the Gunslingers from capping second and then capping first in fewer seconds, Highlander secured the midpoint and pushed all the way into last, winning 3 times in a row for best 3/5. While this technically ended the event, both teams decided to play koth_ashville anyway, and here’s where the matches really got close. Several could have gone either way, but ultimately Team Highlander won the first three matches, taking king-of-the-hill and becoming… [Continue Reading]

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A New WAR! Update?

Shortly after the release of this year’s Scream Fortress, a Facepunch user named testinglol (who has leaked and predicted several previous updates) found code in the game files suggesting there would be an update that would pit the Spy and Engineer against one another in the style of the WAR! Update that happened all the way back in 2009. Being a Spy main, this interested me supremely. You can find a full list of the features here, or watch Valve News Network’s video here. But for those of you who didn’t head off to soak in those links, here’s a… [Continue Reading]

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Blood on the Water, almost – The new TF2 Comic

So, we FINALLY got the next issue of the TF2 comic, Blood on the Water. And it’s been a bloody long wait. Rather insultingly, the blog post writer said that it was early, as the comic is now yearly. I’m assuming that’s a joke but you never know with these guys. For all we know, the last issue will coincide with Half Life 3 or 4 or something. Anyway, if you haven’t read the new comic yet, read it now, as this article is FULL of spoilers and I wouldn’t want to SPOIL things for you. No sir. Click here… [Continue Reading]

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TF2 Saxxy Awards Winners and TF2 Update 01/10/14

Welp, the winners have been announced! And I was mostly completely wrong. The only one that I guessed would win and got right was that TF2 in 60 seconds one. Anyway, the winners are: Best Short: Team Fortress 2 in 60 seconds Best Drama: Defect_ Best Comedy: About a Scout Best Action: Rivalry Rush Best Overall: Animation VS Animator! A very interesting pick from Valve. I think everyone knew that TF2 in 60 seconds was going to win and Defect_’s chances were really, really high. But I am genuinely surprised that Animation VS Animator was chosen to be the best overall.… [Continue Reading]

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What’s that? A new blog post?

Normally, most blog posts asking people to do things with or for Valve generally require a little know-how. Some elbow grease. A bit of effort. That sort of thing. Then again, generally, Valve like to ask us to make cosmetic items which they can sell and you get some profit from if you’re one of the select few who manage to get chosen and all that. Let’s just say, the chances are slim. But after today’s blog post, we’ve got something different. Merchandise. T-Shirts. Posters. Stuff like that. From the blog post, it seems that it’s just t-shirts and posters… [Continue Reading]

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How to Fail Official Valve Spy Training

Have you tried out TF2’s training mode? It was added back in June 2010 as a way to familiarize new players with the Soldier, Demoman, Spy, and Engineer. Even if you vaguely remember doing them back in your TF2 career, you should check them out again, because at some point in history my progress was reset. And good thing too, because I quickly learned that I needed spy training. He’s by far my worst class, I can usually average .05 kills per life after hours of playing him. I tried to sap a stickybomb once. Even lone buildings are a threat. … [Continue Reading]

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Subclass Birthday Bash Results!

Danthefinn’s Birthday Bash is over, and boy was that fun! I got to play Battle Medic on some hilariously kooky maps, and to my amazement, I found that I really liked the Syringe Gun. It’s actually a lot better then I thought at stacking up the damage if you just aim intelligently and know how to lead (and I think all that pulse-rifling in Loadout is what subconsciously prepared me for it). As someone who dropped a crossbow within minutes of playing TF2 and never looked back, this was quite a shock to discover. But enough of that, you just… [Continue Reading]

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