A Look Back at TF2 SPUF’s Non-TF2 Gatherings

Traditionally, TF2 SPUF events have always taken place in the game to which the forum is dedicated. But that’s not always the case. Especially when the meeting is more casual or introduced by a relative unknown, we can get some esoteric spur-of-the-moment parties with some pretty impressive turnouts. This is just a fun recollection of some good times (and one pretty bad time) from SPUF’s history! 1) 100% Orange Juice. This one is less a single event than a recurring mini-community, but a lot of the old itsurblog crowd regularly play 100% Orange Juice together after hugthebed2 first commented on… [Continue Reading]

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Small crawling things that climb into buildings and explode…

Good day, citizens! It is I, Garen, the Might of Demacia. I have returned to inform you all of an up and coming threat that has somehow slipped through the cracks of space and time and is now attacking people’s turrets! But do not fear, I have located the source of this vile scourge – this threat has sneaked in via the Void, the same hideous place were the horrible being known as Vel’Koz was born. Oh and the other hideous Void beings. And Kog’Maw. For some reason, my sister seems to think that hideous, drooling, acid-spitting monster is cute.… [Continue Reading]

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Conundrums of Philosophy

Crossposted from Steamcommunity guides For some time now I have played competitive TF2; primarily Engineer in Highlander. Not usually being on the front line has given me time to think, and time to observe the front lines. And now, I would like to share a few of those observations and beliefs. But, before I do, a quick clarification. This article is not meant to be an authority opinion on competitive play, but rather just an enthusiast. I seek to enlighten, not inform. This article is full of my perspective and opinion. Objectively speaking, none of it is right, nor is… [Continue Reading]

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Scout and Tracer, there’s a new annoying speedster around…

Good day, everyone! The Might of Demacia is here once more to bring some good, or maybe bad news! This week, or last week, or maybe the week before, a new champion was announced, who will soon be joining the League of Legends! Yes, you heard me, another one. This one though is just what the doctor ordered, assuming the doctor wanted an annoying little time-travelling cocky bastard. The new champion is Ekko, currently dubbed as The Boy Who Shattered Time. Not nearly as impressive as The Might of Demacia. He is a young speedster mage assassin champion. He hails… [Continue Reading]

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May 25th – June 2nd

This article will wrap up Ketchup week. We’re back on track for “This Week in TF2 History”! Congrats everybody! I know it wasn’t actually a week, but the only alternative was to wait to fall behind an extra 14 days before starting, and that’s just the sort of logic that got us into this mess. Speaking of messes, the Spy weapons added as per Sniper vs. Spy were all decently buggy due to how strangely they messed with the mechanics of the game. The Dead Ringer in particular had more bugs than any other weapon before or since, and the… [Continue Reading]

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May 18th – 24th

The first notable date this week takes us back to 1996, way before TF2 was even remotely on the radar. Version 2.9 was released for Team Fortress Quake, and it turned out to be the last update that game got before Team Fortress Classic usurped it as the Team Fortress of choice. Fast forward 13 years, and TF2’s Sniper vs. Spy update was getting released on May 21, 2009. This time, Valve tried to fix a problem where every time they released a class update the entire game got flooded with 90% of every server playing the new class. To this effect, Sniper… [Continue Reading]

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May 10th – 17th

Remember when last week I expressed disbelief that Valve cranked out so many patches the week after so many big updates? Well, apparently Valve waits two weeks to take some time off, because this is the week where not much happened. In fact, in TF2’s eight years of existence, only four of those years had updates during this week. 2010 saw the inclusion of a few tweaks to the new crafting system. The gunboats were flagged as a Soldier secondary, and the crafting requirements for tokens was reduced to only two items of the same class. This made tokens actually… [Continue Reading]

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May 2nd – 9th

This week is going to have a lot of déjà vu if you just read last week’s, and that’s because almost all of the patches are either fixing bugs from the week before or adding onto stuff from the week before. May 2nd 2008 began a long week of Valve fixing all sorts of things with the Gold Rush Update, as to be expected. Crashes with equipping the Kritzkrieg, exploits with cheating the achievements, bugs with achievments not unlocking, two different infinite Ubercharge exploits…the finer aspects of the Medigun were also tweaked, as a number of subtle things weren’t porting over… [Continue Reading]

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April 24th – May 1st

Well, ever since tax season ground me through the wringer and spat me out (I work in a tax place these days), I took a weeklong break from “This Week in TF2 History”, and now that it’s almost June I should probably dial myself back in. That’s right, this week is: And what a week to start with. April 29, 2008 brought the first major TF2 update ever: the Gold Rush Update! Payload immediately sky-rocketed to becoming one of the most-played game modes ever, the Medic class experienced a renaissance when he suddenly became fun, and future TF2 traders felt the… [Continue Reading]

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Coming out of obscurity

Sometimes things are forgotten. They’re used on the quiet, often only really toted by the pros who know the ins and outs or something. And then something will happen and suddenly said item becomes a popular murdering tool. Then people start complaining about said object. Suddenly, said weapon or whatever is suddenly hideously overpowered. Apparently. Today I’m going to whinge on about two things – the Black Box and, because I wanted a reason to write about my second favourite League of Legends champion and thought this was somewhat related, Cho’Gath. The Black Box has always been that ‘other’ rocket… [Continue Reading]

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