The New Eureka Effect

Edit: Written before the new update, because Valve won’t let me write about the Eureka Effect without immediately changing the weapon. I remember being awe-inspired by the rebalances of the Eureka Effect. You can teleport directly to your exit now! No more waiting for your idiot teammates to stop hogging your teleporters, now you can take your battlefield transportation into your own hands! Then I basically tried to play with the Eureka like I would the stock wrench and quickly got bored like I always do. The real kicker didn’t come until a friend let me know that it works… [Continue Reading]

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Why I love the pistol so much?

So yeah, it is me writing an article for once. Well, now I am going to tell you why the pistol in TF2 is one of my favorite weapons in the whole game. 1. It is reliable One of the first things that can be noticed off of this thing is that it is very reliable. No matter if you are Scout or Engineer, you can get a lot of mileage out of this thing (the only problem regarding pistol for Engineer is not that it is bad but that it it overshadowed by many non-pistol side-grades such as the… [Continue Reading]

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Conundrums of Philosophy

Crossposted from Steamcommunity guides For some time now I have played competitive TF2; primarily Engineer in Highlander. Not usually being on the front line has given me time to think, and time to observe the front lines. And now, I would like to share a few of those observations and beliefs. But, before I do, a quick clarification. This article is not meant to be an authority opinion on competitive play, but rather just an enthusiast. I seek to enlighten, not inform. This article is full of my perspective and opinion. Objectively speaking, none of it is right, nor is… [Continue Reading]

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Tips on how to defeat Minisentries

If anyone hasn’t noticed yet, I’ve been making a bunch of articles based off my very old posts. I never realised how many threads I used to post on a regular basis. But one that stood out was a thread I made when the Gunslinger hatred first started up and really got going (and when _Star used to go around saying how evil they were), back in 2012. It was about how to defeat minisentries. Maybe it’s worth looking over some of these tips? First things first, the Gunslinger DID receive some changes. The hitbox is larger and the minisentry… [Continue Reading]

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April 16th – 23rd

Taxes are due everybody! Hooray! If you’re anything like me, taxes are a long and laborious chore, and I’m even more qualified than most because I worked as a tax preparer for over a year. I’m only 24 for god’s sake, I’m supposed to be spack-dab in the middle of the part of your life where you look forward to cashing out your W-2s after work and buying a round of drinks with your refund. But the IRS is not a fan of entrepreneurs or freelancers turns out… But I digress. In the world of Team Fortress 2, taxes don’t appear… [Continue Reading]

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Character Annihilation 2 – Critical

Character Annihilation is a series of short stories based on the people of SPUF. Today’s story features Vintage Keith, or just Keith (whose tagline should be “My name is Keith. Vintage Keith”). Engineer enthusiast, builder of sentries, Shotgun terror and a somewhat rather unwilling Demoman. Keith tapped his foot impatiently. Bastards. Bastards the lot of them. Making him wait around like this. Keith just wanted to dick around and have some fun, but no, he had to wait here, for further instructions. They were all bastards. Everyone’s a bastard. Why was he doing this again? Oh yeah, he signed up… [Continue Reading]

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On Snipers and Engineers

Name your three most hated classes in TF2. I wouldn’t be surprised if Engineer and Sniper were included in that list. People complain about both classes, one which seems lacking in a skill ceiling, the other having an infinite one, but perhaps Sniper and Engineer have more in common than we think? When you look at an Engineer, you see someone locking down an area with their sentry gun. Their sentry makes sure that you’re not getting past without some heavy hitters, preferably a Demoman, occasionally an Ubercharge. Everyone calls the Engineer stupid and skill-less, because the sentry does a… [Continue Reading]

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Medic’s Fifth Ever Competitive Match – 404 Medic not Found

No, seriously. What just happened? I have no idea. Week 6’s match was absolutely all over the place. I’ve decided, I’m not actually going to attempt to describe it. I don’t think I can. It was mental. Insane. Crazy. I don’t know any more! So instead of trying to make something coherent from that match, I’m just going to go over all the good bits. But first off, self-loathing! Turns out, I suck at every class but Medic, and I really need to play more Demoman, because sticky bombs and the Pain Train are the best weapons ever. Maybe try… [Continue Reading]

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Why I love the Engineer

Let’s face it, no one likes the Engie. Not even people who play Engie like him, only playing because they have to. But Engie’s been my favourite class since the beginning of my TF2 career. Here’s why: 1. Buildings Engineer’s buildings seperate him from the rest of the crowd, with his Sentry Gun providing area denial, his Dispenser providing health, ammo and (to some extent), cover and his Teleporters for faster troop deployment. Though people think that Engineers should be removed because of their “grind-the-game-to-a-halt” playstyle thanks to their Sentries, many don’t realize that the lack of a Dispenser or… [Continue Reading]

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Why I hate Engineers

Ok, this might come off as me being an salty Scout main, but I really hate Engineer as class.  And here’s why: 1. So easy to stack As I watch into the last point of Granary where there are 5 sentries just on the left of me, I start pondering “is this really balanced” and then proceed to back up so I don’t have to encounter this amount of stacking. Now I have no problem with Engineer countering me (in fact I like it when classes can be countered by another class and also itself especially if the countering body… [Continue Reading]

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