A Particularly Spuffy White Day

Just for a bit of background information, this fic comes from the now deleted SPUF Makes A Story thread. Essentially, said thread had members suggesting concepts for one of our writers, Argeon, to write a story about. A number of actual SPUFers were also to be included as characters, which included A 1970 Corvette, aabicus, The Medic, Argeon himself, Huff, and stamda. The final concept ended up being about the SPUFers surviving in the zombie apocalypse, becoming SPUF of the Dead, which can currently be found here on the Daily SPUF. In any case, one of the original concepts suggested was a… [Continue Reading]

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Analysis of the Persian Persuader’s Health Regen

If I’m not using the Ullapool Caber or Pain Train, I’m using the Persian Persuader. Health regen is a great thing to have on the Demoman, and the Sticky Jumper synergies surprisingly well with the Persian because it doubles the health return you get from ammo. (I’ve mentioned this before). But I never really understood why. Finally, I got around to doing some testing to figure it out, and I learned that the Persian derives its health return from the amount of primary and secondary ammo on the wearer. (For these purposes, the Booties are considered a stock grenade launcher… [Continue Reading]

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In Between – Hybrid Weapons?

The other day, I was browsing the Team Fortress wiki when I stumbled across the Short Stop. To me, the Short Stop has always been one of those  ‘in between’ weapons. It’s a scatter gun and it’s a pistol. It’s a good idea and I used to use it quite a lot in the Milkman set, but the poor hybrid gun is rather sickly, due to all the changes it has endured. Then it occurred to me, what if we had in between weapons for other classes?

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Tweaking the Vaccinator

In my previous article I went through the basics of the Vaccinator, about how and when to use it. Since then, I’ve been using it more – in the niche area I’ve talked about: with a buddy on Steamchat and on a King of the Hill map – and I remain convinced that this medigun is severely underused. Nonetheless, I found a few things that need to be adressed to fully flesh out the medigun that emphazises team communication the most in Team Fortress. Because right now, the Vaccinator is suffering from some quirks that make it less effective than it… [Continue Reading]

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Beloved Daily SPUF Redirect URL Shutting Down, Millions in Mourning

If our fair blog were a TF2 playstyle, he’d be a roamer. A while back we switched from spufblog.com to blog.spuf.info, and left the old URL as a redirect that aabicus was paying 18 dollars a year to keep running. Well, it didn’t seem that useful so we’re closing it down. If you don’t interact with the “spufblog.com” URL, this won’t affect you, and really this won’t affect the visible blog in any way. So if you need to, check and update your bookmarks; the old URL was on the first page of the SPUF megathread for some time.

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A Love Letter to TFC’s Escape Mode

Author’s note June 2020: I’ve updated the server addresses at the bottom of the article. Both servers are still active, go play on them! As far as I know, “Escape” mode never made it to TF2 in any fashion, so whenever I get the urge for it, I crank up Team Fortress Classic and play with its healthy repertoire of Escape maps available. Also (unlike the TFC proper servers in my area) it still has a healthy playerbase today, which I link to at the end of this article and anyone who wants can go play with. At its core,… [Continue Reading]

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Stranges: Dota 2 and Us

A lot of games show you your killing stats by default. Originally Team Fortress 2 wasn’t one of them. Then Valve decided they’d like to try making some money and in the Uber Update placed a single key between you and the stat-tracking weapon of your dreams. Like it or not, this was amazingly successful. They followed up on this by adding stranges (and most of the other item qualities) into Dota 2 when that totally-not-a-sequel-to-anything-owned-by-Blizzard became a thing. However, while I don’t play Dota 2 myself (I tried it once but I didn’t inhale) I’ve heard from my friends that… [Continue Reading]

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Hugging the Ground

One of the many, many reasons I have never gotten into Competitive TF2 is because I’ve always been the sort of person who can’t really get the hang of explosive jumping. I just overall suck at moving in a three dimensional space which is controlled by two dimensional movements. That sounds complicated, but it’s just a fancy way of saying that I’m crap. That’s me being harsh on myself. I’m an okay Medic. My dodging skills are quite good. My awareness is about average. My general skill level is about average. The one thing I cannot get a hang of,… [Continue Reading]

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Dancing Hazardously around a Das Hazmattenhatten!

Fun fact: Das Hazmattenhatten is a really annoying word to type, even worse than Otolaryngologist’s Mirror. But since it’s a nice hat and it’s got a stupidly long name, not to mention that it’s got some unique properties, I feel it’s worth an article. So here we go! The Das Hazmattenhatten was added in the July 10th patch in 2013, also known as the Move That Gear Up! update. This was the same update that gave the Quick Fix overheal, made the Vaccinator the best choice for cp_orange and nothing else and changed the Crossbow’s projectile to a giant syringe.… [Continue Reading]

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A Model Modeler

Chemical Alia has a long history with Team Fortress 2; one of the original winners of the Polycount Contest with her Saharan Spy set, she’s also well-known for her female TF2 models and Dota 2 item submissions. She took some time out of her busy schedule to talk to us! 1. How did you first get into 3D modeling? Have you considered modeling professionally? I come from a fine art background, and I didn’t learn to model until after I graduated from college.  After that, I went to grad school to learn how to model art for video games. I’ve… [Continue Reading]

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