Dawnguard Snipin’ – Part 5

Ya know what, mate? This is gonna be a long trip, I can feel it. Longer than even last time maybe. But now I’ve read those stupid scrolls, we know where we’re going for a change. As we walk, stupid vampire girl and I stumble across a dragon nest. Been here before, but this time, something was different… I ain’t got no idea what’s happened here. That’s a dragon. Apparently. I ain’t got a clue, mate. We back away slowly from that horrible thing and continue walking towards our destination. It’s some cave on the edge of the country. Lots… [Continue Reading]

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Mind of a Very Mad Man (And an Analysis of Learning)

In the last twenty minutes or so I’ve ragequit four separate servers, died a grand total of four times and, to top it all off, closed TF2 once (thus far.) It’s probably apparent that I do not deal well with anger, even more so without an outlet. It’s probably why each death resulted in a ragequit, culminating in closing the game, while the last fifteen minutes during which I’ve written about three sentences of this draft have been me running 11 headshots to 6 deaths on Borneo defense, which while mediocre at best by most standards (especially for a Valve… [Continue Reading]

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Killcams and Comp TF2

Killcams are a masterfully-designed element in TF2. As the developer commentary states, killcams were added due to many Team Fortress Classic players having trouble determining who killed them and what they themselves did to get into that lethal situation. By showing you a quick screenshot of your attacker with some subtle “swoosh” effects showing you his rough location, Valve turned every death into a learning experience while simultaneously lessening the chance the killer can keep farming kills from the same location. But I’m wondering if that behavior becomes slightly unbalanced in a competitive setting. When you’ve reached the point that all the… [Continue Reading]

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Dawnguard Snipin’ – Part 4

You know what’s bloody depressing? A purple, agony-filled hell-hole. But that’s where I currently am, after the events from last time round. I gotta go and find bitchy vampire girl’s mummy in this nasty place. Alright, let’s get this over with. Huh, this place is creepy. And purple. I suppose it’s as good a place as any to hide from some crazy vampire guy. There are weird glowing things dotted around the landscape, but I have no idea what any of them do. Jumped into one, nothing happened. Like, at all. They just look pretty. There’s a bunch of random… [Continue Reading]

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Dawnguard Snipin’ – Part 3

G’day! It’s clear that mercenary work here in Skyrim ain’t quite like it is back at home, mates. And after that nasty little crash that invisible flying lizard had in store for me, I ain’t playing around any more. There’s a bunch of vampire mongrels that need killing and I’m just the guy to do it. So here I am in this horrible cave and would you look at that! It’s damn perfect for sniping. Look at that view. I’m going to assume that the glowy blue thing is where I have to go. There’s someone behind it but I… [Continue Reading]

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Giant Snipers

Hello there, this is Dr. Odoroki talking to all of you. I am here to give you the lowdown on how my army of robots are built and ordered. Not that it’ll mean anything to you. Ahahahaha! So if you haven’t seen Reima’s video on my missions, I suggest you see it now right here. Medic’s blog post also works, over here. It’s the closest thing to a summary that is at current. You can see how some of these robots strike fear, and especially one player’s frustrated comment on that robot. One thing that irked me was how the… [Continue Reading]

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Dawnguard Snipin’ – Part 2

Ah, you’re all back. Thought I’d lost you all back there. Well, after some fun with Merasmus, I’m in Skyrim. This vampire thing called Lord Harkon just gave me a choice to become a giant monster and work for him, or go home. Look how demanding this wanka is. Look at him. Wanka. I don’t think I want to work for him, so he…  Wow, that bloody fruitshop owner just kicked me out of his damn castle. Not even a bloody reward. Ya hear that, kids? Don’t trust those vampires. Cheap bastards. So I’m going to have to walk all… [Continue Reading]

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Sniper in Skyrim – Dawnguard Snipin’ Part 1

G’day, mates! Sniper here! I heard that stupid traitorous quack was entering alternate universes and saving them, so I decided to get in on the action! I ain’t letting that wanka take all the glory. So I hopped on to one of Engineer’s teleporters and decided to go to this Skyrim place myself! And unlike Medic, I’m going to actually stay in character. Stupid doctor. Merasmus has left me with some magic and something he called “Thu’um”. No idea what that is, guess I’ll find out later. Ain’t got nothing but my weapons (Sniper Rifle, SMG, Kukri, Huntsman) and a… [Continue Reading]

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TF Comics #5 is FINALLY here!

The fifth installment of the TF Comic series is finally here, after a stupidly long wait. Amazingly, it actually landed on the Monday deadline, disappointing those who hoped it’d miss the bi-yearly and yearly deadline. This comic is 79 pages of your normal Team Fortress comic-y action, featuring not one but two teams! And some other people. And crazy stuff. As always. So what are you waiting for, go read it! Meanwhile, I’ll just sit here, waiting for you to come back. Because I want to bulk this article out a little bit. I don’t like short articles really. *waits… [Continue Reading]

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Medic Speculates Again

I’ll be frank here, I’m a little obsessed with the TF Comic series. I really like most of it. I was not a fan of how Sniper ended up as a badly written Superman parody, since his now foster parents were REALLY nice people based on the humans in Courage the Cowardly Dog. I miss that show. But for the longest of time, there has been a lot of silence and speculation based on whatever’s happened in the past. Now we have a few more tidbits coming to light, such as an actual possible release date for issue 5. Come… [Continue Reading]

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